Chapter 3. The Deal

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Ericka hurried back to her room and dialed Kyle's number. He picked up on the first ring as if he was expecting her call. 

"Hey," he said. 

"Hi, why you didn't tell me that you were off to New York for school?"

"E, that is what my parents want, not me."

"So you are telling me that you don't want to leave the island?"

"I love it here, but  I know you want to leave."

"Yes, I do.  I need some space from my parents, don't you?"

"I don't have a problem with space.  My parents give me my space."

"Of course they do.  You are a boy.  You can do anything you want."

"Ericka, your parents just want to ensure your safety."   

 "WelI they can do that in America.  I want to LEAVE for college."

"What about the family business.  You said your father wants you to take over the running of the business, after him."

"Yes my Dad has made it clear that is what he expects, but this is my life."

"I don't get it, why is he so set on you taking over the business and not your brother?"

"What are you saying? You think because I am a girl..."

"No Ericka, I am not saying that.  But you know how  it is on the island.  It is always the first boy, I just wondered, thats all."

"I don't know.  EJ is a sweet kid, but sweet  doesn't  run a business like that."

"Agreed, but he is a smart kid, and still young."  

  "I know, you should tell that to Daddy.  He is always picking on the kid."

  EJ is one of the best on the soccer team. Does your dad know how good he is?" 

"Who do you think train him?" 

"Of course your dad.  So which school are you thinking of going?"

 I fill out several applications for several colleges in America."

"And your parents are ok with this?" Kyle was sceptical.

"They don't know yet. They think my first chouce is J Tech, here on the island."

"This is ironic, you want to go and your parents don't want you to and I don't want to go, but my parents want me to go. I think we should switch parents." Kyle joked.

"I am thinking the same school my dad went to. I looked at the map. If I am accepted, New York is not that far. It is within driving distance or by train. We could still see each other and we would be free...freedommmmm." Ericka laughed.

"Let freedom ring." Kyle said imitating Dr. King.


Ericka was not just a pretty face, she was outgoing, smart and an excellent student.  Academics was a top priority in the Willbrooks home.  Tanya being a former teacher, was also the Willbrooks enforcer.  

Ericka studied hard.  She knew that if she wanted to go away to school, she had to present her parents with stellar academic reports.  She  did exceptionlly well in all her exams, exceeding her parents and teachers expectations and she waited anxiously for  letters from all the colleges she applied to.   One by one the letters arrived, all of them accepting her...all that is except one.  This was the one she really wanted to get into.  It was her father's alma mater.   She  stopped at the post office everyday to check, but nothing.  

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