Chapter 4. Meet Zach

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It was a hot summer day as Ericka waited on line to switch one of her classes.  There were several lines, so apparently she was not the only one who had an issue with schedules. She had a conflict and she was not dropping  a class, so she had to find another time slot to take it. 

"Why in hell don't they fix the air condition in this buiding? It's like a damn sauna in here.' 

She wondered how long she would have to wait.  She dropped her note book. As she bent down to pick it up, she bumped into someone.  She stood up and  came face to face with the most hansom young man she had ever seen.  He smiled and  handed her the book. "I think this is yours." He said.  Ericka just stared as she slowly reached for the book.

"I am Zach by the way," he said. 

 Ericka who was never at a loss for words since the day she learn to talk was speechless as she gazed up into those intriging blue gray eyes. His eyes were so engaging, somewhat hypnotic.  'I have never seen eyes like those beforeWhat color are those really? Are they gray or blue?  

"You don't speak?" He asked.

Ericka apologized as she tried to shake the fog from her mind. "I am sorry, my name is Ericka...Ericka Willbrooks." He is so frigging cute and I thought that Kyle was cute," 

He smiled at her.  "Where are you from Ericka?"

'From? Where am I from again?'  She was flustered.

"Why do you think I am from anywhere but here?" Ericka asked regaining her speech and composure.

"I detect an accent, I am usually pretty good at identifying accents, but you have me stumped."

"Accent? I don't have an accent, you are the one with the accent."

Zach laughed.  "You got me, so you are not going to tell me where you call home."

Ericka smiled.  "And you never said what your last name was."

Zach smiled and bit under his bottom lip. "You are right I didn't." Ericka thought that the way he bit his lip was so sexy.  Her eyes slowly moved from his eyes to his lips. 

Ericka kept staring at Zach.  He was casually dressed like any college student in shorts and tee shirt.  But he was so tall and hansom and those piercing blue, gray eyes, she thought that she she could look into them all day...and night.  He had mid length dark brown hair, that stopped at the nape of his neck.  

She couldn't help but notice his magnificent  physique and all those tattoos. She was afraid to look closely at them.  She loved tatoos, loved them on her father, but that was where her parents drew the line.  She could love them all she wanted but she could not get one.   'How  tall is he? He is definitely taller than Kyle.  He has to be at least six feet three.  Oh gosh am I staring? How rude.'  

Ericka was making Zach feel uncomfortable as she stood there just staring at him.  "I must confess that I am cheating." he said breaking the awkward silence.


"I am actually  holding the space for a friend." He said.

"So you are not a student here?"

"No, my school is just a couple blocks away. I am a graduate student attending  law school, but I practically live here."

'Wow! that is impressive.  A lawyer?"

Just then a  very blond girl ran up to Zach,  jumped on him wrapping her legs about him and kissed  him smack on the lips. "Thanks babe. I will make it up to you later." She said.

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