CHAPTER 13. Goodbye?

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Eric was waiting for Zach and Ericka as they walked back into the house. The look on Eric's face made Zach's heart fell into his stomach. 

'Ahhh fuck. How much did he see?' On impulse, he had without thinking pulled Ericka to him on the beach and kissed her passionately to seal the commitment they had just made to each other.

Eric stood on the back deck with his hands on his hip as if he was the king looking down on his subjects. Zach and Ericka looked at each other as they walked unto the deck.

"Zach, I need to talk to you, come with me." Eric said.

Ericka, jumped in. "Why Daddy? We did nothing wrong. We just went for a walk.

"Go help your mother with Ace." Eric told Ericka.

"But Daddy!"

"No BUT Ericka, walk away now and go help your mother!"

Ericka stood with her arms folded about her as her father took off with Zach in tow.  


Eric guided Zach to his office. Eric closed the door behind them.  Zach thought  that the man was obviously pissed about something to do with him and Ericka. Zach wondered if somehow Eric had found out that Ericka came to his room last night. He was sure that Eric saw the kiss on the beach, but he was not giving up any information about Ericka's late night visit to his room until he found out what Eric knew.

"Go ahead take a seat." Eric told Zach.

"I would rather stand." Zach said.

"Ok, then we stand. What I have to say to you wont take long anyway." Eric said.

Zach was beyond pissed at Eric by now. "Then say it."

"What do you think you are doing with my daughter?" Eric asked.

"Nothing...I mean if you are asking what my intentions are, then I can tell you that I want to get to know her. I like her...a lot sir."

"I am not asking you what your intentions are, because you should have none whatsoever towards Ericka. Did you touch her?!"

Zach shook his head. "What? No, I have not had sex with her if that is what you are asking."

Eric looked at Zach with the coldest eyes.  "It is a verry very good thing that you haven't done that Zach, but If I ever find out that you are lying to me, you wont live to be sorry."

"What is your problem Mr. Willbrooks? You have been giving me a hard time since you met me. I think Ericka is old enough to decide who she wants in her life. You need to let go...sir."

Eric pushed his hands into his pockets, so they didn't find their way around Zach's neck.

"So you think that she is old enough? How old do you think Ericka is Zach?"

Zach was caught off guard by the question. "You know how old she is. Why are you asking me if I know?"

"I am going to do you a favor before you get yourself in big trouble. She is not old enough Zach...Ericka is still a minor."

Zach's head snapped around to face Eric. 'Is he fucking with me right now?'

"You are pathetic! What length will you go to keep her to yourself...Eric?"

"She is a minor  Zach and I sincerely hope you have not done anything stupid that will land you in jail. I think you should go home and go find yourself someone your own age...twenty or twenty one?"

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