Chapter Two: Shed Some Light

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Chapter Two: Shed Some Light

Dean's POV

I wake up to the sound of banging on the door. Rubbing my eyes, I shout for them to come on in. Sam pushes open the door and steps inside.

"Sorry, dude. I didn't realize you were still sleeping." He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, well, I was. So thanks for that." I yank the covers off of me and put my feet on the floor. Walking toward the dresser, I shrug on a shirt and turn toward Sam, not bothering to put pants on over my boxers. "What is it?"

"A job," says Sam. He turns on his heals and walks out of the room, heading toward the front room. I quickly follow, excitement pumping through my veins. We haven't had a normal job in weeks.

"Where?" I ask as we get into the library.

"Burwell, Nebraska. Two men found dead in the past week," says Sam. "And get this. Both hearts were missing."

"Sounds like a werewolf," I say, picking up a beer from the table. "Is the lunar cycle right?"

"Yeah it is. Isn't it a little early, Dean?" I scoff at him and take a sip. Shaking his head, he continues. "So I'm thinking we head out this afternoon. We'll be back by Friday." I freeze, the beer inches away from my lips.

"What about Addie?" I finally take a sip from the bottle.

"The fridge is stocked, no demon can find this place... She'll be fine," says Sam, picking up his own beer and taking a swig. Usually he's not into morning drinking.

"We aren't leaving her here, Sammy." I sit down in one of the chairs and lean back so the chair is only on two legs.

"Dean, she's safer here." Sam also sits down, taking the chair across from me.

"Who's safer here?"

Addison's POV

My big Cowboy shirt rubs against my thigh as I make my way toward the library. I can hear the brothers talking so I follow their voices, hoping not to get lost in the hallways. I get to the library just in time to here Sam say it's safer here.

"Who's safer here?" I ask.

Sam says, "You," at the same time that Dean says, "Nobody."

"Okay," I say, putting a hand on the table and leaning against it. I feel Dean's eyes snake down my body just as my shirt rides up to show the edge of my underwear. I smile to myself. "So where are you two going?"

"Nebraska," says Sam. Dean gives him a look.

"What's in Nebraska?" I thought a lot about the whole monster thing last night. I realized that after everything I've been through, why am I still questioning their existence? I mean, what kind of kidnappers do that to their hostage? I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong.

"A job. And no offence, but you'll just slow us down," says Sam.

"Sammy," Dean growls as he stands up from his chair and looks down at his brother. "We aren't leaving her here and that's final. Addie, go get dressed." He says that last part like he regrets it. I smile and head back to my room to get dressed.

"So what's the job?" I ask as I slide into the backseat of the car. I should really ask Dean what kind of car it is.

"You believe us now?" Sam twists in his seat too look at me when Dean pulls away from the bunker.

"Not exactly. But I believe you enough not to run," I say with a wink. Dean laughs.

"That's reassuring, sweetheart," says Dean, sarcasm dripping off his words.

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