Chapter Nine: Stupidity Is A Curse

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Chapter Nine: Stupidity Is A Curse

Addison's POV:

"You have to learn how to do this!"

Sam shouts at me from a few feet away. We're standing outside the bunker, the cold January air making my sweaty skin feel frozen. It's cloudy out today, the sky a slate grey that I know will stay for the remainder of the day. I love this kind of weather. The air is energized by the promise of oncoming rain and is heavy with moisture. Even the smell is different. The normally dusty air smells fresh and green, the dirt washed away by the raindrops yet to come.

This is the kind of weather that makes me want to find a good book and curl up by the window to watch the storm. I'm sure normal people are doing that right now. Buckling down to watch the rain as it begins to fall. San Francisco was always beautiful when it rained. The trees and the buildings and the sidewalks seemed to shine with the falling rain. Even the red cable cars looked more alive when there was water in the air. The gutters would overflow with rainwater mixed with leaves and sewage. The overflow would gather by the curb, splashing up onto the sidewalk whenever a car ran through the puddle. Bright, colorful umbrellas would rush up and down the streets, the raincoat wrapped people hiding underneath them. There was always that one couple that thought it was cute to run around dripping wet and kiss under every awning. Those were the people I admired most. The ones who didn't care what other people thought and were content to play in the rain like children. That's what I think of when it rains. That type of freedom that it takes to walk without an umbrella and laugh as the water makes your makeup run.

"I'm trying!" I raise my arms again, ready to fight. Sam has been trying to teach me hand-to-hand combat and I'm failing miserably. Ever since the angels made their threat clear, both the Winchesters have been pushing for me to learn how to protect myself. I've spent the last hour and a half going from lesson to lesson, the screaming getting worse as the teachings continued. Dean refused to teach me how to fight, something about how he didn't want to even think of me as the target. He had said that to Sam, but I had heard the pain in his voice through the walls. Ever since Cas left, I've been thinking more and more about what he said to me. He told me not to give up on Dean, and somehow I think he's right. Dean is avoiding me and I know it isn't because he hates me. Something about the way he's been acting has led me to believe that what he said wasn't true and I don't fully understand why I think this. Maybe it's only because I want it to be a lie. As much as I want to deny it, my feelings for Dean haven't shifted. I know where I stand and I just wish I knew where he stands.

"Well try harder," Sam mutters, lunging for me again. This time I duck under his arms and get behind him. I lift my foot and kick, the sole of my shoe hitting his low back. He falls to the ground, his hands getting scraped by gravel in the process. I back up, moving away from him hands just in case he doesn't call it. I made that mistake a few rounds ago and it resulted in my ass hitting the ground. "Time." I relax and help Sam up. He smiles, seemingly pleased with my progress.

"Well?" I smile a toothy grin, hoping for the best. Sam doesn't sugar coat my mistakes.

"It was okay," he says, shrugging. My smile fades, quickly replaced by a smirk. I cross my arms and tap my foot as I give him a look. Then he cracks and smiles bigger than ever. "It was great. Really. You know what you're doing."

"Why thank you," I say, sarcastic pride lining my words as I do a little bow. He chuckles before motioning for us to go back inside. I can't help but be a little disappointed. I wanted to see the rain.

We walk down the stairs and into the huge library. Even though I've grown accustomed to the large room full of absolutely everything, it still amazes me every time I walk in. Dean is sitting at the table, his forehead creased with concentration. He looks up when we take our seats around him. He smiles at Sam but doesn't even look my way.

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