Chapter Twenty: Things Change

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Chapter Twenty: Things Change

Hazel's POV:

"I don't understand why you have to drag me along on this stupid hunt," I say, crossing my arms. Sam and Dean are sitting in the front seat of the Impala, the silent tension between them thick enough to be cut with a knife. They've barely said a word since they hauled me out of the dungeon and shoved me into the backseat, but not before handcuffing me. Which, I'm if being totally honest, is probably necessary.

Dean, glancing over his shoulder, tightens his jaw before looking back at the road. Rolling my eyes, I scoot over closer to the door so I can look out the window. The sun is just starting to peek through the clouds, shooting rays of light through the trees. I wish there was snow. I've never seen snow before, but Crowley tells me it's beautiful.

"Where are we going?" I kick the back of the front seat gently, trying to get their attention. Oddly, Sam turns back and looks at me differently than he has in the past few days.

"We're headed to—" Dean coughs loudly, drawing Sam's attention away from the sentence. After a beat of silence, Sam turns back at me, his face back to being cold. "You don't get to know."

Frowning at him, I turn back toward the window. I'm never going to be able to get any information out of Sam if Dean keeps intervening. Dean is too attached to Addie to even think about giving up on her, but Sam? Sam might be just what I need. If only I could reach Crowley, then we could come up with a plan to get me back to him.

We're not in the car much longer before we pull into a small town full of people. After pulling into a crappy motel I really don't want to stay at, Dean parks the car and looks back at me. For a second I think he forgets I'm not Addie because he smiles and then falters. Coughing, he hands me his jacket.

"Cover the cuffs. We don't want questions," he says before climbing out of the car. Sam and I follow suit and walk with him toward the motel. After getting a room, Dean leads the way and opens the door.

Just as I thought, the room is complete crap. There are two musty queen beds pushed against the far wall and a mini living room in the middle. The couch looks like it was thrown up on far too many times and the table is full of coffee rings. The remnants of a kitchen sit on my left while a door I assume leads to a bathroom is on my right.

"So what are you boys hunting?" I flop down on the couch, kicking my feet up and tossing Dean's jacket aside. He scoops it up, glaring at me before sitting down on one of the other chairs and avoiding my gaze. "God you are so damaged," I say to him before looking over at Sam. He's staring at me, something interesting glinting behind his eyes.

"Probably a vampire," he says, a flicker of his smile clouding his judgment long enough to tell me what they're hunting. Dean shoots daggers in his brother's direction before standing up and grabbing his keys.

"I'm gonna go talk to the cops," he says, stepping close to Sam to try and hide whatever he's about to say next. "Watch her. I don't want her wandering all over town." Sam nods and Dean gives him one last look before heading out the door.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I say, standing up and holding out my hands. Sam gives me a weird look and I sigh. "Kind of hard for me to wipe my ass with these handcuffs."

Scoffing, Sam takes the key out of his back pocket and unlocks the metal keeping my hands together. Smirking at him, I head into the bathroom and lock the door. I swiped Dean's phone from his jacket when he gave it to me and now I pull it out of my back pocket. Strangely, Crowley's contact is already on Dean's phone, so I hit the call button and put the phone to my ear. While it rings, I glance around me in search of a big enough window to crawl through.

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