Chapter Twelve: Takes Two To Tango

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Chapter Twelve: Takes Two To Tango

Addison's POV:

"Please, Elijah, it wasn't my fault!"

The bunker is quiet. The Winchesters went on a beer run about an hour ago and they still aren't back, giving me free reign of the bunker. I'm pacing in my bedroom, my phone pressed firmly against my ear. It's been about a week since the second trial, but I've been on full surveillance ever since and haven't gotten a chance to contact Elijah. Now that I finally have, I am receiving the full wrath of the murderous vampire dangling my brother over my head.

"I understand it was not your fault," he hisses, the venom in his words chilling my blood. "But I won't tolerate that again. Working around your schedule is one thing, but when you drop off the map for a week it kills my reputation as the vampire controlling the pure. So do your brother a favor and get away from those damn Winchesters so you can start feeding again. We're going to need to double the amount of vampires you feed to make up for lost time. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, I can do that." I sit down on the bed, rubbing my forehead with the base of my hand. This hole I've dug for myself is getting deeper and deeper and I don't know if I'll ever be able to climb out of it. So many problems are swimming around in my head, and I don't have enough time to solve any of them.

There's the problem with the trials, which could ultimately end in Lucifer walking and me dying. There's Elijah, who makes me feed vampires left and right in exchange for my brother's life. And finally, Dean, the man I have feelings for and the man who causes me the most pain. Everything about my relationship with him is complicated, but I think I made the best move in pushing him away. I can only take so much, and fixing things with him might kill me.

Just then the front door slams shut. I stutter a goodbye before quickly hanging up with Elijah and trying to act normal. I pull the Winchester's journal onto my lap, pretending I've been reading the whole time they were gone.

"Hey, Addie?" Sam peeks his head inside my door, drawing my attention away from the book. "We found a case. We gotta hit the road. Five minutes." He heads back down the hall, obviously going to go get his stuff. Grabbing mine, I meet the boys outside and slide into the back seat.

"Where are we going?"

"James Town, Wyoming," replies Dean as he pulls away from the bunker. Quickly looking it up on my phone, I see that it's about a ten-hour drive. But seeing as Dean drove across country in about twenty to save me from the demons, I assume we'll be there pretty soon. But that doesn't stop me from sprawling out in the backseat and closing my eyes to get some sleep.


"So what is this thing?"

We're parked outside a pretty nice house. The lawn looks like it was in good condition, but no one has trimmed the grass recently. The flowers planted in the dirt are starting to wilt like they haven't seen a drop of water in over a week. The house itself is painted a light shade of blue, the trimming starkly white. Flowery curtains cover the windows so I can't see inside, but I can see shadows passing by. Someone must be home.

Dean flips through his fake IDs, ignoring my question while Sam turns around in the front seat to answer me.

"Probably some kind of pagan god. The deaths look like they were sacrifices. We need to talk to some of the families to get a better idea of which one," he says, smiling. I don't think he's smiling about the case—he probably just feels bad for me. No doubt Dean told him about our little fight thing, but I can't tell whose side he's on. Not that there are sides, but I know he would pick his brother over me in a heartbeat. "So what are we today?"

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