Chapter Fifteen: Just Wondering

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Chapter Fifteen: Just Wondering

Addison's POV:

"Lucas," I say into the phone, slightly irritated. "You know I don't understand a word you say when you talk about your video games. Speak slowly and use small words." Laughing, my brother tries again.

"I beat the last level in that video game mom bought me three days ago," he says, still laughing. I frown, shocked.

"You finished the game already?" I shouldn't be too surprised. When I was his age, I was watching three seasons of Doctor Who in forty-eight hours. I at least hoped he would learn from my mistakes and not spend all his time playing video games. "Don't you have school?"

"I went to school!" I roll my eyes as my brother continues to talk about his newest accomplishment in the video game. I'm sprawled across my bed, my feet sticking up in the air. I've called my brother everyday this week, just checking in and seeing how he's doing. He's asked a lot of questions about monsters and other things, and I've tried to answer as truthfully as possible. I've left out all the stuff about me being pure and the trials—that's too much. "So what's up, Addie? Are you on a hunt?" I sigh, realizing this conversation is going in the same direction as every other conversation we've had since we saved him from the vampires.

"No, Lucas," I say, rolling over onto my back. "I'm not on a hunt. But I did speed through a bunch last week with some other hunters."

"Other hunters? What about Sam and Dean?" Sighing to myself, I try to put together a story pretty quickly so I don't have to tell him I was kidnapped. That might be a bit much since he was just kidnapped.

"Oh, I was just helping some friends of theirs. No big deal," I say, mentally high fiving myself. "So listen, Lucas, I just need to double-check that you aren't going to tell anyone about all this." Lucas doesn't miss a beat.

"Well, duh! I'm not gonna tell anyone that my big sister is travelling the country fighting monsters! They'll think I'm crazy!" I nod, grateful my brother wouldn't betray his sister.

"Awesome! So do you wanna hear about a ghoul I hunted down last week?" After he screams a yes, I laugh before telling him about the monster. I've almost finished telling the story when Dean creeps into the room. "Oh, hey, Lucas, I'm gonna have to call you back."

Smiling, Dean flops himself down on my bed. He's on his stomach while I'm on my back, so we can see each other perfectly. I smile up at him, putting my hand on the back of his neck and pulling him down to kiss me. Ever since we kissed in the library, things have been good between us. I don't know if we're a thing or if we're just fooling around, but either way I like it. I like being able to kiss him and touch him and not having to fight with him. And he seems to like it too, so I'm not going to mess it up.

"Was that Lucas?" He finally asks as he pulls back so he can look at me. I nod, playing with the hair at the base of his neck. "I can go if you wanna..."

"No, no, it's fine. I've talked to him a million times this week," I say, smiling again. He nods, pressing another quick kiss to my lips.

"We found a case down in Florida. It's a little weird, even for us, but I thought it would be cool. We could go to the beach and watch some racing and go to the beach..." I laugh, realizing what Dean actually wants.

"You just want to see me in a bikini," I say, giggling as Dean tickles my stomach.

"No! Of course not!" He's a horrible liar.

"Alright, fine," I sigh, bringing his head back down so I can kiss him. "Let's go to Florida."


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