Chapter Six: Opening The Door

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Chapter Six: Opening The Door

Dean's POV

"Dean, focus, would you? Another kid just died because we didn't do our job."

Sam and I have been standing at the edge of this pool all afternoon. Addie never came back from talking with that girl so I'm assuming she's still talking to her. It's been a little over the hour and most of the people have cleared out. There's still yellow tape blocking us from the pool, but we can see everything clearly enough from here.

"Sammy, this isn't your fault," I say, putting my hand out so he'll look at me. Sighing, he shoves his hands in his pockets and looks down.

"He was only twelve, Dean."

"I know Sammy," I say, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I know." Nodding, Sam looks back at the pool. I frown, knowing that I didn't really get through to him. He's gonna hold onto this one for a while.

"Hey, Dean," Sam says, reaching out and grabbing my arm. "What is that?" He points to the other side of the pool where there is a small pile of yellow powder.

"Son of a bitch," I whisper, turning away from the pool and running my hand across my jaw. "Sulfur."

"This makes sense, though. Jackson's death didn't match up with the killings and that ectoplasm wasn't right..." Sam comes to stand in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's been demons this whole time. Dean, this was a trap."

"Damn it Sammy, I know!" I run my hand through my hair, panicking a little. "Okay, okay, let's just think this through. They brought us here for a reason right? What is that reason?"

"Addison," says Sam, making my worst nightmare come to life. "They brought us to Addie's old school Dean. It's a trap for her." I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to clear my head so I can think.

"Tracy," I say, fear creeping under my skin. Jumping into motion, I start to run back toward Addie's office.

"Tracy? Who's Tracy?" Sam shouts from behind me. I look back once to make sure he's following me.

"The girl, Sammy! The little girl who's talking to Addie right now!" Sam shuts up after that and we run the rest of the way. I take the stairs two at a time, praying that she's still there. But when I open the door, Addie is nowhere to be seen.

Addison's POV

A blaring horn passes me as I push my foot against the pedal. I'm cursing the guy in my head, but I don't have time to scream anything out my window. The speed I'm going is probably twice the actual speed limit, but I don't care. The only thing I can think about is Emma and how the demons could be doing anything to her because I can't seem to get there fast enough.

"Six hours," Tracy had said. "Six hours until she dies."

"San Francisco is eight hours away! Please, just give me more time, I can—" But she wouldn't hear it. I don't know why I expected mercy from a demon.

"If you are not at the warehouse in six hours, Emma will die. I suggest you drive faster." And that was it. Tracy had vanished into thin air and I was left clinging to the chair for dear life. So I did the only thing I could think to do.

I ran.

Dean taught me how to break into and hotwire a car a few weeks ago, so I took the fastest looking car in the school parking lot. I don't even know what kind of car this is, but it purred when I cranked the engine so I took that as a good sign. Luckily I had the brains to grab my gun and a knife from Dean's car. His trunk is so unorganized that it took me several precious minutes to find one of the angel blades, but remembering that those are one of the only things that kill demons, I knew I was gonna need it.

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