Chapter Twenty-One: Manipulation and Lies

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Chapter Twenty-One: Manipulation and Lies

Hazel's POV:

"I shouldn't have to prove myself to you two," I complain, spinning the gun around my finger. We're down in the bunker's shooting range, the wall of guns behind us making me tingle with excitement. I do love weapons.

I'm surprised they even let me near any though. They barely let me out of the cuffs in the bunker, probably afraid that I'll get my hands on something dangerous. I've definitely thought about it during my time here.

I've been cooped up here for at least two months, the brothers coming and going so they can deal with cases while one keeps an eye on me. It's mainly been Sam to stay with me. I don't know if it's because Dean hates to be in the same room as me or because Sam is too scared to leave the two of us alone. Either way, it doesn't matter. They've been fighting non-stop, their nerves wearing thinner and thinner with every argument. Somehow I've convinced Sam to take me on another hunt-I'm way too bored to stay here one more day-but Dean wouldn't bite unless I agreed to actually help this time. Apparently, I wasn't much help last time even though I'm the one who got the stake. But I guess distracting one brother at a time wasn't very helpful either.

"If you're going to come with us, you have to show us you can fight. You're not pulling the same crap as last time," Dean snaps, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. Rolling my eyes, I point the gun at the target and fire off three shots. As far as I know, I've never shot a gun before. But apparently Addie has because each bullet finds its mark in the center. Dean exhales slowly, obviously thinking the same thing.

"There," says Sam, gesturing with his hands. "She can shoot. Can we go now?" Dean just grunts and walks out of the room. Sam smiles and closes the distance between us, instinctively putting his hands on my waist. Ignoring the bile in my throat, I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Thank you," I say, every inch of my body rejecting those two words. Pretending to be all lovey-dovey with him is probably the most disgusting thing I've had to do these past few weeks. I can't wait to get this over with and go back to Crowley.

"We should meet him by the car so he doesn't leave our asses behind," mutters Sam, his voice husky. Ignoring his words, I stand on my tiptoes to press my lips against his. I can feel the smile as it spreads across his lips so I deepen the kiss, slyly slipping my tongue into his mouth and running it along the inside of his teeth. Sam shivers, but his state of shock doesn't last for long because then he slides his hands down my thighs and picks me up. I giggle and wrap my legs around him as he carries me over to the table that holds all the knives. Before I can protest, Sam sets me down and shoves all the knives aside. Several clatter onto the floor as Sam takes my face in his hands, kissing me hard. A feeling grows in the pit of my stomach and I moan, running my fingers along his smooth chest. I didn't realize Sam was so intense.

"We should really-" I gasp, suddenly unable to speak. Sam shoves his tongue down my throat, taking complete control of me. I can feel myself unraveling under his hands, my skin humming everywhere he touches me. Sam slides his hands down my sides until they finally rest on my thighs. Knotting my fingers in his shirt, I pull him closer as his lips work their way down my jaw and neck, sucking gently on my collarbone. "Sam..."

"Yeah, yeah, okay," he says, pulling away from me. He rubs his jaw, staring at me intensely. Ignoring the fact that we should probably be running after Dean, I grab the front of his shirt and pull him in for one more hot kiss before sliding off the table and leading the way out of the room. Sam stumbles after me, mumbling something about finishing this later.

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