Chapter Seven: Humans Are Monsters Too

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Chapter Seven: Humans Are Monsters Too

Addison's POV:

"Hey Addie?"

There's a knock on my door and then Dean opens the door to my room. I roll over in the bed so I can get a look at him in his pajamas. He's wearing a light blue shirt that clings to his skin in all the right places. He's also wearing some white and blue stripe lounge pants. Even though I feel like my insides are rotting, I still smile at the sight at him.

"How are you feeling?" Dean comes to sit down next to me on the bed, rubbing my back with his hand. "Cas thinks that it will take a while before you can get back on your feet."

"I feel fine," I lie, trying to sit up on my own and failing miserably. "I don't even know what you and Sam are doing. And where's Emma? I've been sleeping for the past two days and I missed everything that happened after the umm..."

"Yeah, well, Emma's fine. Don't worry about her. You," he says, poking my nose, "need to focus on getting better." I tilt my head, suddenly distracted by the way the light hits Dean's eyes.

"I need to ask you something," I say. Dean smiles, rubbing my back again.


"I saw you. At the warehouse. You were dead," I say, shaking a little. I don't even want to think about it. The only reason I didn't fight with Jason is because I thought he was dead. And it turns out he wasn't.

"Oh, well, Cas showed up just in time and healed me. See?" He lifts up his shirt and the only things left of the slash marks are several white lines running the length of his stomach. I reach out, intending to touch the scars, but then I realize what I'm doing and drop my hand. I hope he doesn't notice. "He healed Emma too. She's waiting in one of the other bedrooms. That's actually what I'm here to talk to you about."

"She's okay, isn't she?" I try to sit up again so I can focus more on Emma and not Dean in his cute pajamas.

"Yeah, but, Sam and I were talking and we think it would be best if she didn't remember what happened." He looks at me, pity in his eyes, and I just know that it was Sam's idea.

"What? You want to erase her memory?" I frown, suddenly very confused. "Is that even possible?"

"Yeah it's possible," says Dean, a sad look shadowing his features. "Cas has done it before. He can take away the memories from the last few days and it won't affect her at all." He must see that I don't like this plan, so he continues. "Look, if I had the option, I would take away your memories."

"Excuse me?" Now I do sit up and lean my back against the headboard.

"That's not what I mean," he says, trying to cover his tracks. "I just meant that I don't want this life for you. I know I can't do anything about it, but if I could, I would take away your memories of the supernatural."

"And take away my memories of you," I whisper, the thought scaring me.

"But you wouldn't know," Dean says, leaning closer to me to touch my hair. I swallow, a lump forming in my throat. Even though I know it's not going to happen, the thought of never knowing Dean hurts more than I thought it would.

"But you would," I mumble, hoping that his next words are what I want them to be.

"And I would miss you so much," he mumbles, his fingers lingering on my face. He said exactly what I wanted him to say. I know I was going to wait and talk to him about this, but the moment is right and I lean in, wanting to kiss him. "Cas needs to leave soon, and I don't mean to rush you or anything, but..."

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