Chapter Ten: Hiding Truths

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Chapter Ten: Hiding Truths

Addison's POV:

"Elijah, I want to talk to my brother."

I lower my voice just in case the Winchesters are still awake. It's two in the morning, but you never know. They might still be awake doing whatever it is that they do when they aren't with me. I told that vampire last week I wouldn't feed anyone else until I spoke to my brother, but Elijah didn't contact me until now.

"I don't understand why you are insisting on this," he replies calmly. I can hear something going on the background and I wonder where he is. Sounds like a bar, but it might just be that a whole bunch of vampires are in one room. "It's not like it's going to change anything."

"Have you told Lucas who you are and what's happening?"

"Well, no..." Of course he hasn't. Elijah wants Lucas to trust him. I want the opposite.

"Then it's going to change something," I hiss, putting anger behind the words. I'm handling this better than I should. The old me would have panicked and run to the cops. Now that my world is just a little bit bigger, I feel like I can calmly handle my brother being held hostage by vampires. No, that's not true. I'm losing my mind. I've just gotten good at hiding it. "Put Lucas on the phone."

"Fine," he says, clicking his tongue. I wait several moments before my head is swimming with the familiar voice.

"Hey Addie!" He seems so happy. It breaks my heart.

"Hey," I say, my voice cracking. I take a deep breath, preparing myself to say what needs to be said. "Lucas, we aren't going to be allowed to talk long so I need you to listen to me, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," he says, his voice already losing some of its joy. I wonder what the vampires said to Lucas to make him trust them so quickly.

"Do you know what's happening?" I bite my lip, waiting for him to say something that's just going to make this worse. I wish he didn't have to know about all this. But I can't leave him in a vampire nest without understanding the situation. That's too cruel.

"I'm hanging out with some of your friends from Stanford until you can come pick me up for our road trip! When are you coming anyway? Not that these guys aren't great, but I wanna see you," he says, his voice jumping with excitement. "Elijah got me a new video game! We've almost finished it." So that's what they told him. He can't keep thinking that.

"Lucas, I need you to listen to me. The people you're with, they... They aren't my friends. They are very bad people. And they are going to hurt you if I don't do what they say." I can picture his face in my head. His bright eyes fading as he looks around the room and sees his "new friends" in a different light. I hate myself for this. None of this should have ever happened. "Lucas I'm not done. There's more. Do you want me to tell you?"

There a small squeak that I take for a yes. He's scared. I don't want to open his eyes to the dark spots of the world, but he has the right to know.

"Monsters are real. And those people you're with? They're monsters. They're all vampires and they will kill you if you don't listen to them. Do whatever they tell you to do, okay? I'm going to get you out, I promise. But it's gonna take a while. I don't know how long but I swear to you, Lucas, I will not let them hurt you," I say, my voice firm and strong. I thought walking out on him was the worst thing I've ever had to do, but this is worse. I wanted nothing more than for him to not know about any of this. And now, because of me, he'll never be the same. I know I'm not.

"Okay," he whispers, his voice so small and fragile compared to mine. I wish I could be there next to him so I could wrap my arms around him and assure him that everything is going to be fine. But I know I can't promise that.

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