Chapter Sixteen: Scared of Dreaming

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Chapter Sixteen: Scared of Dreaming

Addison's POV:

I'm running. I'm running so fast it feels like my legs could fall off. Every time my feet bounce off the pavement it feels like a knife is burying itself in my bones. I whip my head around, trying to see the thing that's chasing me. I can't see it, but I can hear the footsteps and the growling as it gets closer.

"You can't run forever!" Jason shrieks from behind me, taunting me and trying to get me to stop running. I push harder, forcing my legs to make me go faster. Nothing around me seems familiar and when I turn down a different street, everything looks even stranger.

The windows on all the houses are twisted and broken, shards hanging off at weird angles. The houses themselves look like they're melting. Suddenly I fall, my shoes getting stuck on something. I look back in horror to see the pavement welded to my feet, and no matter how much I kick my feet, I can't get it to dethatch itself.

"You're mine now," hisses Jason, suddenly standing above me. I shriek, scratching at my shoes to try and take them off so I can continue running from him. But before I get the chance, the world explodes around me. The street falls away and is replaced by red and orange and yellow. The sky is filled with broken pieces of the world as it's torn apart from each other and from me. "You see that? That's hell fire. We're where you belong."

"No!" I scream and kick my feet again, trying to rip the pavement off the soles of my shoes. Jason just laughs and watches as my skin and clothing starts to stick as well. "Jason, no! Please!"

He just laughs and lets the pavement swallow me whole, dragging me under the surface and away from him. But what lies beneath is much worse than the fire above.

Demons of all shapes and sizes, their masks stripped away and their true faces revealed. Melted flesh, scales, yellow puss, dead-white eyes, black claws and snarling teeth surround me. I scream, writhing away from the outstretched hands trying to hold me in place as they bring down blades onto my skin.

"Stop! Please, stop," I sob, thrashing back and forth and trying to get free of the demons. I scream in pain as one of them brings the knife down onto my stomach. Suddenly they start ripping me apart, limb-by-limb and I start to choke on my own blood.

"Addie, wake up!" The nearest demon leans over me, black blood dripping out of his open mouth. I scream again, trying to wriggle away from him, but it's kind of hard without limbs. "Damn it, Addison you're dreaming!"

The voice sounds familiar. But it doesn't make any sense for Dean to be here. Not in hell. Not with all these monsters that seem to think it's fun to rip me apart like a children's book. I frown, but it quickly twists into a scream as another shock of pain courses through my body... I jolt out of bed and am instantly being smothered by arms and a big t-shirt.

"It's okay," murmurs Dean, squeezing me tighter and rubbing my back. "It's okay. It was just a dream. Just a dream..." I nod, shaking slightly as I try not to cry in front of him again. The sheets are tangled around my legs, my shirt sticking to my chest because of the cold sweat that has broken out on my skin.

"Dean..." I pull back, biting my lip and looking down at my hands. He runs his hands up my arms and place them on either side of my face, forcing me to look at him.

"What was it this time?" Dean gives me a small smile, obviously trying to help but failing miserably. I sniffle, wiping my nose quickly before any snot comes out.

"It was the running one," I say softly, averting my eyes from his face. I've had the same rotation of nightmares ever since the warehouse and it's exactly the same. Nothing has changed and somehow I don't think anything will. "I'm fine, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

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