Chapter Thirteen: Out In The Open

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Chapter Thirteen: Out In The Open

Addison's POV:

The bar is pretty empty—just me, the bartender, and two or three people sitting in the back. I've already double and triple checked the people sitting in the back, just to be safe, but they're definitely human. I don't want any surprises. Not tonight.

The bartender is cute, his blue eyes clashing with his black hair. He's wearing a tight black shirt, showing off his arms. He's off in the corner drying some glasses and doing whatever else it is that bartenders do.

I'm sitting at the bar, several empty shot glasses sitting in front of me. I've already gone through several beers, but the bartender was kind enough to clear those away. Now I've moved on to vodka soda and I've already downed three rounds of that. Draining the current glass, I wave the bartender down so he can bring me another.

"I don't mean to pry," he says, refilling my glass, "but do you want to talk about whatever's bugging you?" I look up at the bartender, the alcohol making him swim in front of me for a second. I've built up a pretty good tolerance, but even I can't fully handle the amount I've downed tonight.

"I don't want to bother you with my problems," I say, laughing dryly. The Winchesters and I are in some small town in Kentucky. We stopped here on our way back from hunting a werewolf. It was a quick kill, but Dean didn't want to drive all the way back to the bunker. I pulled the same "need some girl stuff" move and snuck out to feed another vampire. In the last week, I've fed about fifteen vamps and it's really starting to drain on me. Elijah wants me to feed another one tonight, but I told him that I needed a break, even if just for a few hours. So I came here and I've been drowning in alcohol ever since.

"It's kind of in the job description," he says, passing me the glass. "Lay it on me, sweetheart." Smiling slightly, I gulp down most of the drink and look back at the bartender.

"Alright, fine," I say, clasping my hands on the bar. "This guy, he's taken something really important to me and is blackmailing me. So I have to lie to my friends and go behind their backs just so I can keep that thing safe. And on top of all that, I'm head over heals for an asshole." The bartender nods, filling up my drink without even asking.

"Sounds like you have a lot on your plate," he says, leaning against the bar. "What makes this guy an asshole?" For a second I think he's talking about Elijah, but then I realize he's completely ignored the first part of my rant and is honing in on my love life. I sigh, looking back at my drink.

"I was uh... I was gonna sleep with him but some girl showed up," I say, draining the cup again. "He invited her to our room and then tried to sleep with me." The bartender is silent for a moment and then another shot of vodka is being slid over to me. I smile sadly, gulping down the shot and enjoying the burning in my throat.

"Sounds like an asshole to me," he says, doing his own shot. He frowns, looking back at me with confusion. "Did you say our room?" I nod, rubbing my forehead with my fingers.

"Yeah, I uh... I'm kind of traveling with him and his brother," I say, laughing to myself a little. The bartender scoffs, passing me another shot.

"That's a messed up situation," he mutters, waiting to pass me another. I shake my head, asking for another vodka soda. I've never liked shots much, but I'm glad I did some. My head is finally a little fuzzy. I've just lifted the drink to my lips when the door of the bar swings open.

"Speak of the devil," I mumble, not bothering to look up as Dean slides onto the stool next to me. The bartender glares at Dean, understanding that this is the asshole I was talking about.

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