Chapter Five: Homes Can Break

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Chapter Five: Homes Can Break

Addison's POV

"I can't believe we're actually going back to LA!" Dean shouts over the stereo as we drive through the desert. We never really decided what to do about the Pure Tablet. I think we're just going to wait until we get more news about its whereabouts. And I am totally fine about putting off the problem.

"I used to live here, you know." I poke my head over the front seat and look at the Winchesters. Dean is grinning from ear to ear while Sam is just smirking.

"I didn't know you were from Los Angeles," says Sam, craning his neck to look at me. His brown hair falls in his eyes so he pushes it out of the way. Sam's hair is pretty long for a boy, but it looks good on him.

"Yeah," I mutter, leaning back against the backseat. "Over in Santa Monica. Do you think we can see my mom while we're here? And my brother?"

"You have a brother?" Dean glances at me in the rearview mirror. He looks surprised. "I didn't know that."

"There's a lot you don't know about me," I mumble. I cross my arms over my chest and look out the window. I know the street we're on. I used to drive it on the way to school. We actually aren't that far from my old town. I haven't seen my mom or brother since before the semester started.

"Where do your parents live?" Dean turns down the music so he can hear my answer. I didn't think he would actually consider taking me to see my family. I notice Sam gives Dean a look.

"My mom and Lucas live in an apartment off Sunset," I say. I lean forward again, sticking my head over the seat so I can see out the front window. We're driving over the 405 now. I don't think they actually know where they're going.

"Lucas is your brother?" Sam turns his head toward me and I nod. He smiles and looks back out the window.

"Are we on Sunset now?" Dean is looking around, very confused about where we are. He obviously didn't spend a lot of time in LA last time he was here.

"Yeah, just stay on this road. I'll tell you when to turn." I smile at Dean and sit back against the seat. I haven't been in LA for over a year but I still consider it home. Well, not anymore. Somehow, the bunker has become home to me.

Twenty minutes later, we're turning into the parking lot and my heart is pounding. My mom is going to kill me. When I texted all my friends, I didn't text my mom, so she either thinks I'm still at Stanford or she thinks I'm missing. Either way, showing up at her door is probably a bad idea. Too late now.

I jump out of the car and jog toward the door of the building. When I open the door, I look over my shoulder to see that the brothers are right behind me. The ride up the elevator is quiet and eerie. This elevator has always reminded me of the elevators in movies that drop. It creeps me out. I jump on the balls of my feet and shake my hands at my sides. I shouldn't be this nervous to see my mom and brother.

When the elevator doors slide apart, I rush out of the awkward silence and stand beside the door, waiting for the Winchesters to catch up. When they do, I move to knock but I freeze, my hand frozen in mid-air.

"What do I tell her?" My voice shakes a little and I hope they don't notice.

"You can't tell her the truth, you know that right?" Dean rubs my back for a second before dropping his hand. I nod and he gives me a weak smile. "Whatever you tell her, we'll stick with your story."

"Okay," I say. I hold my breath and knock four times. There are some muffled footsteps and then my mother throws open the door. Holy crap my heart is pounding.

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