Chapter Four: Playing Dress Up

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Chapter Four: Playing Dress Up

Addison's POV

The hot water feels really good on my skin. The water pressure in this bunker is a lot better than I thought it would be. I wonder where they get their electricity.

Shampoo is starting to get in my eyes so I stick my head under the water. Taking long showers has always calmed me down. It's been a few days since our "pure talk" but it's still very clear in my mind. I still feel pretty bad about getting upset. They didn't deserve that but I just needed to get it off my chest. I feel a lot better now that I've said all that.

I'm about to pick up my shaving cream when I hear something in my room. I move the shower curtain and peek my head out into the bathroom, but there's no one there. Shrugging, I go back to my shower.

Suddenly the shower curtain is pushed aside and a man in a tan trench coat is standing in my bathroom seeing me naked. Shrieking, I grab the shower curtain to try to cover myself. Stumbling to the far corner of the shower, I turn off the water and stare wide-eyed at the stranger.

"Are you Addison Blake?"

I scream again and throw my shampoo bottle at him. He looks down at the bottle on the floor, obviously confused.

"Oh my god, get out!" Now I throw my razor at him, but it doesn't cut him like I had hoped. The stranger tilts his head then looks away quickly. He suddenly seems a little embarrassed. Maybe he finally noticed that I'm naked.

"I'm sorry," he says. His voice is so low and gravely it surprises me. "I did not realize you were not fully clothed."

"Who the hell are you?" My voice rises to a pitch that I didn't know was possible. That probably has something to do with the fact that I'm naked.

"My name is Castiel. I am an angel of the lord." This must be the guy that Dean was talking about a few days ago. That still doesn't explain what he's doing in my bathroom. I'm about to respond with curse words and a bottle of soap when Dean and Sam both push their way into the bathroom.

"We heard you scream. Are you-" Dean stops talking as he sees Castiel. His eyes eventually make their way to me and for a split second I think I see a small smile on his face. "What the hell, Cas?"

"Once again, I did not realize she would not be clothed."

"She's in the shower." Dean's eyes flicker between Cas and my cleavage. At least Sam and Cas are trying not to look at me. Dean is just openly gawking at me.

"I still do not comprehend why humans feel the need to shower," mutters Cas. I can't believe they are actually having a conversation while I'm standing here with a shower curtain wrapped around me.

Dean and Cas start staring at each other very intently. It's like they're having a conversation without words and it's actually kind of creepy. No one seems to remember that I'm still standing here naked with only a shower curtain to cover my private. I'm starting to get very uncomfortable because it was one thing when a stranger saw me naked but now Dean is here and I'm feeling self-conscious. Sam finally breaks the awkward silence by coughing very loudly.

"Here," says Sam, handing me a towel. I mutter a thank you as I make sure I don't flash them I as I wrap myself in the towel. I feel a little better now that I have something solid wrapped around me, but Dean's eyes are on me again and it's making me nervous.

"Everyone out," I order, stepping out of the shower.

"No, I think I'm good here," says Dean. I glare at him before Sam pushes the other two boys out of the room and mouths a sorry. I quickly dry off and put on the leggings and crop top I had laid out. When I walk out, I find the three of them sitting on my bed.

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