enslaved with Agent Romanoff | Nat

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Y/n pov

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! why can't i just do this SUCCESSFULLY WITH AGENT HILL" Nat groaned still fighting these guards'hold while we're being dragged

I'm just here voluntarily going rolling my eyes on her. I mean at this point it's either you obey and do the action later or die on the spot for being a stubborn red head like someone here

"Who didn't wait for my signal and just full on jumped on them and now is beside me complaining like a child?" I huffed mumbling looking away

"DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?" she scoffed


"Brat" she rolled her eyes

"Rascal" i playfully sticked my tongue out annoying her even more

She started having tantrums " ENOUGH! OR YOU TWO WOULD BE EXECUTED RIGHT NOW! " the guard stated

" Do it, that would be fun" nat spit out on her face

" That's disgusting " i swallowed thickly feeling something in my stomach

The woman suddenly grabbed a knife from her pocket aiming nat's face but her hand quickly stopped mid-air as she was trying to do it so hard

"W-WHAT'S HAPPENING??!??" she groaned loudly

Natasha looked at me with an unreadable expression but i just looked away avoiding her.

The guard eventually gave up as they started tying us with these really rough ropes. Our hands connected to the ceiling while our legs were unmovable stock in the floor

"Wait for our master.. you're gonna have so much fun.." one of the lady guards says tracing her fingers on my cheeks

"Don't touch her.." natasha mumbled clenching her jaw looking at ger as if she's gonna decapitate her mid air

"You complain a lot...why don't you be more like this quiet one" she rolled her eyes before nodding to her partner both of them leaving

I didn't say anything nor reacted and just looked away thinking of a plan.

"Are you ok?" Natasha raised it


I'm looking everywhere and i couldn't find any object that could help us out of here.. my dog hasn't eaten yet.. i need to think faster

"Thankyou.. about earlier" she mumbled again

"What do you mean?" I asked coldly

"When.. she was about to stab me.. thankyou"

"I didn't do anything"

"Oh please.. actually lets take this time. Can we talk?? Like as matured individuals? Y/n it's been a year..and..ive been apologizing everyday of that year" she sighs

"You wanna talk about our relationship.. who by the way you shattered..while we're here tied up, helpless, and I'm feeling my power draining.. im literally dying and all you can think about is making yourself feeling better by hearing i forgive you??" I scoffed shaking my head getting enough of this already

"I was doing a mission.. i needed to do it--"

"NO! BULLSHIT! there's always another way. Y-YOU TAUGHT ME THAT" I breathe out furiously

"I regret it... Everyday.. every hour.. I'm thinking about it.. I'm thinking how much i fucked up and how much I've hurt you and--"

"SHOULD I THANKYOU FOR THAT?? Yes, you should be bothered by it.. you deserve it" i cut her off as she stares directly in my eyes holding her tears before nodding and just looked away

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