decisions| wanda and nat

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Part 2 of redhead shadows


Y/n pov

It's been a week since the accident and surprisingly the wound healed so fast and fury didn't let us keep the kid. He said she's dangerous and they'll find her planet as fast as they can while she stays at their watch

After that day...i finally decided which to say yes to and now they're in front of me waiting for the next things I'll say

"Hey.. no pressure" nat reassured

"Uhm...i.. I'll just go with someone who i think i have the same personality."

"Wanda...i-i mean.. yeah" nat suddenly stutter playing it cool

"I'm sorry.." i forced a smile while she nodded biting her lips

"Really???" Wanda excitedly says pulling me on a hug while nat just walked out of the room not saying a word.

Wanda then told me we should go out and she's gonna get ready as she left the room. I don't know why but..i feel so unsettled and i know i shouldn't feel this way.

I decided to go and follow nat while waiting for wanda. She's just sitting at the edge of the heliport looking at the buildings. I sat beside her but she didn't bother to even look at me

"Nat... Im sorry"

"For what? When i chose to pursue you i know this will probably happen.. I can't always hope for the best. I mean..i thought i was ready to face rejection but i guess it's still not easy when youre face to face with it" She smiled

I'm just staring at her and i could see the hurt in her expression even on how much she tries to hide it. "I'm ok, y/n" she reassured

"I... uhm.. i.. couldn't see the nat that.. i was friends with for such a short but so genuine amount of time when u started making your moves" i sighs actually giving her some answers

" I know...i was scared that you'll never see me as someone you could be romantically with if i stayed too protective and buddy buddy to you.. i tried faking.. doing bubbly stuffs.. then maybe you'll see a fun side of me but yknow..thats not me"

" Can i just say i had a huge crush on you when we were buddy buddies" i chuckled

" Oh shut upp" she shaked her head also laughing

"it felt nice having someone whose soft and protective to you" i moved closer to her

" I feel the same.. i appreciate being treated with softness so much...more than half of our lives we needed to be strong and so having someone who's caring and careful with felt..good" she seriously says Before cracking a chuckle

"I miss this serious genuine soft talia so much" i teased hitting her playfully by my elbow as she looked down giggling

"For the 109th time..Stop calling me that" she complained still in the same expression

"Ok.. go back to wand or I'll steal you right now" she playfully says which actually reminds me

I said my goodbye to her and went to wanda but she didn't changed and is now wearing an apron. "Oh I'm sorry.. i forgot i need to cook, i got too excited" she nervously chuckled

"It's fine, take your time. I'll just go and watch something" i shrugged going at the living room

My attention was then caught by nat coming holding a bowl of popcorn and a soda " hey, why are you watching here? " She asked sitting down

" I broke my tv.. why are you watching here? '

"Same" she chuckled

She then put on this animated film that's a literal PG 7 which yeah i also enjoy to be honest "have you seen this before?" She asked, offering me some popcorn

"Only the first movie"

"Who's your favorite character?"

"the porcupine"

" Same "

We spend the next minutes just watching carefully as we chuckle on the cute and funny scenes... But my attention was caught hearing wanda chuckle.

I looked back seeing she's with vision as he helps her cook. " Uhhh look, she's so cute in that little janitor costume" nat probably noticed getting my glare back at the tv.

I stayed quiet resting my back at the couch now watching the movie devastated. "oh uhmm.. i did groceries last week, i got you a dark chocolate ice cream. Do you uh want me to get it? " Nat tried again

" No.. I'm good. Let's just watch" i mumbled

"but you never say no to ice cream.. "

" Nat.. please"

" Ok.. I'm sorry "

I glared back at wanda seeing vision is literally behind her while she just keeps on blushing and giggling.. i know wanda wouldn't do anything that I'm thinking but god.. jealousy is eating me alive

"I'm going to bed.. you can finish the movie" i huffed standing up, walking away ignoring wanda.

"Y/n? Y/n! What's the matter?" Wanda tried

"Try doing back hugs and giggles with vision after she just chose you" i heard nat's scoff

I just jumped on my bed hugging my teddy bear facing away from the door..not even a second i heard someone open it "hey... Are you ok?" Wanda asked going in my direction

"What do you think?" I mumbled

"What did i do?" She softly asked

"Nothing.. it's just me and my issues" i sigh facing her

"Is it vision?"

I gave her a nod

"You're mad because i was laughing with him.. you were watching and laughing and even eating with natasha" she huffed

" don't need to get jealous ok?" She gently cupped my cheek

"This may sound toxic but... Can you at least distance yourself a bit from him?"

"W-what? No.. y/n.. vision is a friend. I can't do that.."

"I'll distance myself from nat" i swallowed thickly

"I'm sorry but.. no..stop making deals..i never asked you to stay away from natasha"

"Yeah.. but i will.. just please.. I don't like this feeling..please.."

"I'm sorry.." she shaked her head and just left me leaving the room.

"What a bunch of loosers, 2 seconds of being together and you two are already fighting" natasha's sigh breaking the silence in my room

She suddenly turned off the lights making the room pitch black before laying beside me "come on, you can" she mumbled.

I quickly pulled her in a hug hiding my face on her chest my hands wrapped around her waist and just cried all the feelings out. "Your feelings are valid" she reassured kissing my forehead, rubbing my bicep in a comforting way

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