Dear future wife | wanda

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Y/n pov

"I'm so bored.. where's agent hill?" I groaned asking nat while she's doing some sort of computer work while I'm just here breathing

"She's picking up wanda from the tower" she stated making me confused..i never really heard of her. I've been in japan for the past months working on my own mission

"who's wanda?"

" Oh yeah, we got a new avenger after the Ultron attack"

"is she pretty???? " i immediately asked sitting next to her

"I think so" she shrugged

"Do you like her???"

"What?? Noo"

"Good" i nodded

" Oh if you're planning on hitting your shot.. i think she's straight " nat chuckled with her annoying smirk

"Hmm.. weren't you straight before I came here?" I teased lifting her chin facing me

"don't touch me.. I'll shoot you" she smiled

Just in time before i die, the door squeaked and there they are agent hill and a lady hiding from her back. " Oh when did you arrive?" Maria asked approaching me

" Earlier.... " i mumbled getting stunned seeing the woman behind her.. she's just looking at me while i can't even process how beautiful she is.. i didn't know this was possible but everything but her turn blurry and i couldn't hear anything

"H-Hi" i huffed swallowing thickly

"Hi.." she could she turn more beautiful??

"Guys?? The crazy scientist guy escaped and is currently trying to rob a blood bank" Natasha interfered getting her attention while I'm still staring at wanda

"Are you ok?" She suddenly asked looking weird out

"No.. you're too pretty, i can't handle it" i sighs watching her chuckle

"Ok, delusions are over. Come with me and bring your weapons, he's already hostaging people" natasha stood up

She just went for it going out of the room while agent hill replaced her to do the paper works reports "y/n, you heard her. Go" she also scoffed



"Uhhh why can't you dispatch the other agents? I just came back from a 4 months mission, my back hurts and--"


"Fine... I'll see you later" i stated to wanda.. she didn't gave me a nod but i think it's a yes.. im delusional

I ran outside seeing nat already waiting for me on her bike. She gave me a helmet before i hopped in...on our way i saw this flowershop which is i think is new and is the only shop here

"Nat!!! Stop!!"

"WHAT?? WHY? WHAT HAPPENED??" she worriedly asked watching me get off the bike casually

"Oh god.. you're gonna give me a heart attack one of these days! Just get that later, come on now!"

"They're gonna close in half an hour.. just let me, I'll do your laundry for a month!" I shouted back going inside the store.

There were a lot of choices but this specific one looks weird.. i like it. "Oh nice choice..those are one of our rarest flowers" the lady stated

"What is it called? It's very pretty.."

"everbloom blossom" she mumbled

I decided to get a few and put them on my backpack to keep them safe. "Thankyouu!!" I waved goodbye at the lady after getting these flowers

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