Civil war | Nat pt2

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Natasha pov

It has been a few days since what had happened and y/n is currently based here in newyork and so she doesn't need to go anywhere far from me...but at the same time she feels so Long away.

I went to the headquarters knowing she was there. I immediately saw her walking around holding a folder which I'm assuming are new papers for agent disparities

"Hey, can you talk to me??" I asked following her around while she walks so damn fast

"Tell agent hill to meet me in an hour" she talked to one of the agents fully ignoring my existence

"Y/N!! Pleasee" i begged

She actually stopped walking but just grabbed me and suddenly we're at the stock room alone

" really sorry but i--" i tried

"No" she breathes out swallowing thickly grabbing my hand to give me back the ring i gave to her

" Y/n..."

"I don't think.. i can forgive you" she mumbled

" C'mon, h-hurt me too" i grabbed her hand and tried to hit myself crying but she didn't let it hit me

"Natasha...stop it"

"P-please just *sniff* keep t-this ring.. p-please" i wiped my nose trying to give the ring back to her but she still won't take it

She took a deep breath and just stood firmly "you didn't just hurt me that killed me" she huffed

"It felt like i lost my parents again..and.. i was betrayed with the only family i have left..."

" I NEED TO, IF YOU WERE ON MY POSITION YOU WOULD DO IT TOO FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THESE PEOPLE COUNTING ON US" i defended just sobbing my eyes out while she looks so cold and emotionless

She shookt her head " you know to yourself that's not true" she mumbled

"I would never hurt you...not for the sake of anyone....not even for the universe..guess the feeling isn't mutual"she added

She suddenly grabbed a card on her pocket giving it to me "they're filing complains the look of it...its not in your favor. Go to that house.. it's safe there" she breathes out giving me the address

" C-Come with m-me..L-lets fix this" i wrapped my hands around her hugging her tightly holding my emotions

"where's steve? " She suddenly asked

" I.... don't know"

"You saved his where he is to save yours?" She asked coldly but i stayed quiet and just hugged her tighter before she pushed me off of her

She turned her back on me walking away " where are you going???" I asked concerned

"To finish what i started.. gonna kill that murdered you set free....who knows? Probably also your best friend that apparently is much more important than your 'family' " she emphasized the word hitting every guilt left in my body


I didn't wanna stand on y/n's way anymore not wanting anymore fucked up things i did to build up. I went to the address she gave me.

I went to Norway and quickly find the adress of this house but as soon as i arrived.... it was field with cops holding their guns on me

Did...she just set me up?

I went on my knees holding both my hands up behind my head. Y/n suddenly came out looking down at me before going in my direction

"I can't afford you standing in my way again...." she sighs

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