To love or To be loved? | Wanda and Nat

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Y/n pov

Im just here at the kitchen doing my papers with my cereal on my side. Well..not that much work, ive literally just sketch wanda in every page of my scratch...ever since she came here i just cant get it together

"Hey, morning" my room mate greeted stretching her arms as i quickly hid my drawings


"Oh by the way, Mr Starks wants you on his office by 10am" she yawned getting herself some breakfast

"What?? Its my day off.."

"I heard he's building something new about quantum mechanics. Besides you know he's gonna pay this day anddd i heard theres a new avenger..have you seen her picture??? She's gorgeous" she groaned playfully sitting beside me

"Hmm..yeah, ive seen her. She is pretty" i simply responded

"Yeah..but i'd never replace agent romanoff, she takes away every hormones on my body. TELL ME"

"Tell you what??" I chuckled as she looked like shes begging for something

"Tell me why cant you set me up on a date with her?? I mean youre always with mr stark building whatever and youre friends with agent romanoff because of that SO WHY CAN'T YOU??"

"Uhm..coz im there for work and nat is private about her love life?" I huffed getting my stuffs before leaving her to actually start my day.

I hopped in the shower, put my uniform on and went straight to the building since im already running late. As soon as i stepped down of my car, natasha was actually also getting out of hers

"Y/n! Hey!!" She called stopping me

"Heyy, morningg"

"Morningg, grumps" She smiled giving me this bouquet of tulips.

"What's the occasion?" I confusedly asked but to be honest Mesmerized by these flowers..i love tulips, theres just something so special about them

"Uhm..just because. Tony said you'd be here today" she nodded with a smile while i just stare at her

Natasha has been trying to ask me out for the past 3 years..i already said no like a thousand times. Her job is just too much for me..i don't want to wake up everyday and the first thing ill think about is, is my girlfriend still alive? Besides..i dont know why but i really cant see myself with her

"Thankyou, i really appreciate it" i smiled back at her

We both got inside going directly at the elevator which was kinda awkward.."nat..uhm..yknow this whole thing and--" i tried breaking the silence

"It's don't need to reject me for the 1214th time. I just wanna give you those" she chuckled

"You know tony said you'd help him build something again and..i know its your day off and you're grumpy. I was just strolling around looking for anything and saw those tulips. I remembered you told me once how much you adore them" she casually mumbled while other employees entered the elevator

"Aww..thats so sweet, Nat"

"You maybe wanna go out for dinner later?"

Im just looking at her before earning her nod "got it, no words needed. Natasha stop" she playfully says to herself.

I feel bad..she's the most precious person i know and it sucks how i can't love her the way she loves me. I hate how i can't force myself to see her more than friends.

We finally reached the floor and mr stark is already working with the AI. "Hey" nat greeted him as we walked closer seeing he's actually not that serious about it. He looks like hes just playing around to be honest

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