Goddess of life pt 2 | wanda

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Wanda pov

Y/n's emotions were scattered.. anger.. vengeance.. madness.. everything was so intense that you could see how much she craves for revenge

"Where's the pendant?" She huffed reaching her hand on me but i stepped back not wanting this thing to continue anymore

"Y-You promised... you're not gonna hurt anyone" i swallowed thickly

"GIVE. ME. THE. PENDANT." She walked even closer to me

" No..NO, STAY BACK! " i warned charging my chaos energy

"i promised.. when i broke my promise to you? " She suddenly sighs and i could feel all her anger turning into disappointment

" Wanda , i love you... I'd do anything to make you feel that..even if it means.. i wouldn't get any justice for my little girl" she stated looking away, her tears running down her cheeks making me soft..

She walked towards me holding both my hands caressing them in a reassuring way "please.. trust me..thats all i need right now" she mumbled..

I eventually gave her the pendant.. she put it on the corpse forehead before making me step back..she started doing some sort of an enchantment saying words that i genuinely don't understand

The whole place started shaking and i just protected us by using my energy building a shield from the falling pieces of rocks

Y/n suddenly fainted as the earthquake stopped.. i quickly went to her trying to wake her up "y/n!" I went on my knees tapping her cheeks.

"W-who are you?" She suddenly stated pushing me off of her full of fears

Before i could even say anything i felt someone standing behind me "im here.." she mumbled..

I looked back seeing this tall beautiful woman... And yeah.. the body was right.. the body was french kiss perfeccion..

"Y-Y/n?" I stared while she offered a hand helping me stand up..

"My love.." she smiled as i immediately pulled her in a hug "I don't care if you're actually y/n, you're hot marry me" i playfully says earning her laugh

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?" the lady on the ground stated.. y/n just stared at her for a sec and she just dropped there

"Don't worry... She's just sleeping.. i didn't hurt her" she immediately stated

"No... But you can hurt me" i sarcastically says still staring at her as she pushed my face away by her palm

"Where are my clothes? " She suddenly asked


"We brought clothes...so i can wear new ones instead of my torn mummy fabric.. right?"

"Yeah... But I don't think you need them" i nodded to myself

"I'm cold..." She chuckled

It was disappointing but yeah i gave her her clothes not wanting her to die after she just got back to life.

Her attention was caught again by the corpse of the kid..." Why don't you try it? You're on your body now.. y'know you're more powerful" i sigh

"I can't resurrect a mortal... And i need something she owned yknow like my pendant.."

"but she's a goddess..." I mumbled actually getting her attention

"yeah....LOOK FOR SOMETHING I CHILD WOULD OWN" she suddenly says while we both go on a full search.

I went to her sister while she search the tomb" what are you doing?? Why are you touching her thighs like that??" She suddenly complained looking at me frowning her brows

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