Promise | Nat

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nat pov

I'm currently on a mission trying to act like a civilian when my phone suddenly rang

*incoming call from y/n*

i answered it can't help to wonder what seems to be the problem. i mean I'm pretty much aware she's struggling right now and I didn't want her to feel alone

"n-nat?" she answered catching her breath crying

"What happened?? what's the matter?? are you ok??" i asked worriedly

"natasha" steve warned me to get off of my phone

"i-i need y-you..i-im at t-the park" she stutter

" Agent Romanoff... focus" Sam warned thru the coms

"I'll call you later" i sigh


i ended the call because i just know the next thing she'll say will make me wanna quit this important mission


after the mission i was so tired that i just changed my clothes and went straight to bed.

i woke up freezing because apparently the winter season is starting. i looked outside my window and it's actually snowing.

i grabbed some of my thick sheets and tucked my self in before reaching for my phone to check the time.

"wow, it's only 3am? i feel like I've already slept for 24 hours" i chuckled closing my eyes again before quickly realizing something

"y/n..SHIT" I jumped off the bed grabbing my car keys on my night stand and drove as fast as i can not caring if the road is really slippery because of the snow

i immediately went to where she mostly goes on that part of the park. it was really dark already but i saw a figure laying down the bench and i just know it's her

she's literally shaking while being covered in snow. I removed my jacket putting it on her before wrapping my hands around her trying to warm her up

"i-im really sorry" i breathe heavily

"n-nat?" she weakly says

"I'm sorry.. we'll get you warmed up" i sigh picking her up bridal style running back to my car.


"santa?" i heard a little voice as soon as me and y/n barge inside the cabin

"oh..hey annie..wait-- how..nevermind no santa just uhm yeah" i shrugged not knowing how will i explained that I'm holding a freezing woman in my arms

She's my neighbor... she's a kid and i really love hanging out with her.
her dad must've brought her here again so he can go to work or something

i let y/n lay down and made the heater higher before making some hot drink when i heard a knock

"come in"

"hey, auntie nat" she smiled

" want hot cocoa?"


"no prob" i smiled back at her cuteness

i let the chocolate kinda rest for a bit since it's boiling hot and checked on y/n. she's still sleeping while annie brushes her hair through her fingers.

i sat next to them and just stare..maybe i actually want a life like this in the future.

"your girlfriend is pretty" she whispered

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