Mad Girlfriend | Nat

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Nat pov

We're currently in the conference room talking about this supposed-to-be new villain in town that only attacks at night. "People are saying it's a vampire. We have to find this out," Fury furiously says

"For the past week, we had 14 people killed. Only 8 bodies were found... All of them have bite marks. " Agent Hill showed us the hologram of the profiles of the victims

"What if it's an animal?" Steve mumbled

"It's a monster...all the bodies were drained of blood."

"Do we have a lead or anything?" I asked

"Nothing, no traces whatsoever,"

"Then how do we start?" Tony sighs

"Figure it out."


"Are we seriously going to do this??" Stark started again at the elevator

"I'm going home, probably think about this while my eyes are closed and my conscience in another dimension," I huffed, shaking my head, exhausted

I grabbed dinner first before heading home, humming the song I was playing. It was so peaceful, and honestly, I just wanted to stay here

As soon as I arrived home, I quickly locked the door. "N-Nat?" I heard my girlfriend hiding behind the sofa

"Hey baby...come here," I softly say, sitting on the sofa and earning her smile before she excitedly sat beside me

"Did you get me another body?" She asked, making me sigh

"No, but I bought dinner, and"

"I NEED THE BODY! GET ME ONE!!!" She started having tantrums again

"I can't... I have to lay low for a while. Besides, aren't those enough???"

Well, she was a scientist, and yes, I'm the one kidnapping people to ease her. After her failed research and invention, she started getting these overwhelming switches of moods

I got her checked, invited a doctor, and she killed him in front of me, and now she's starting this whole blood thing in our basement, and I just can't say no to her

Am I scared that she's gonna kill me someday? Yes. Am I going to let Shield take her? Absolutely not. "Maybe we can eat dinner first, and then you can show me your progress?" I gently say, getting her attention off draining people

"I'm hungry," she cutely mumbled, making me smile

I served us food before making her sit beside me. "ok, let's actually change your shirt and wash your hands," I mumbled, seeing her shirt with blood splashes

I changed her shirt and helped her wash herself before. "I only need a few more liters," she giggled


"Hmm, hmm, then the only thing I need is to try it with acids," she chuckled

"I should've not bought spaghetti," I laughed to myself

"But I love spaghetti," She pouted

"I know, baby. I know. "

"I love you," she sweetly says, smiling widely

"I love you too." I kissed her on her forehead before we continued eating. My appetite already left, and I couldn't even look at our food

I can't leave her, I just can't. I know how dark my situation is, but I'd rather do this, take care of her, just swallow everything she does, then let the authorities mistreat her

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