what are you willing to do? | wanda

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Y/n pov

I'm just in my garden picking up some fruits when I feel someone behind me. I immediately swing my hand forming a solid sword made out of fire.

"Strange?" I frowned my brows confused

"From earth 616" he breathes out

He's with someone, a girl behind him and by her look i pretty much scared the hell out of her

"What are you doing here?" I banished my sword as they walked closer to me

"And...how did you?" I asked knowing he doesn't have any spell to travel into the multiverse

"I...i have the power to open universes barriers" the girl behind him stated

"you're the girl from the Utopian Parallel" i hummed making strange look at her

Well, i have been protecting alternative universes and I've heard some things about a kid in Utopian Parallel that sent her parents into an alternative universe.

"I'm y/n... guardian--"

"Of the multiverse" she mumbled cutting me off

"Yes.. and uhm I've heard about you while i was in your universe"

I have been looking for her parents but until now i still have nothing. I didn't wanna open this to her.. I don't wanna give her false hopes... it's impossible

"Anyways... We came here because of wanda" stranged interfere

"I know....Ive been fixing her actions" i sigh

"Fixing? Why don't you stop her??" Strange scoffed looking confused

"I can't... she's been corrupting her variants... leaving them all confused and i just need to fix it everytime she leaves them."

"Again, why don't you stop her? As far as i know YOU CAN"

"I tried... Many times..i have been also corrupting my variants to push her away...one time she begged me to go back at our universe....to come home to her....but we all know i couldn't...and I don't wanna hurt her..if going back at our old lives makes her escape from all these...im more than fine to let her and just fix it later" i swallowed thickly shaking my head and just started walking away from them

" It's ok? Even if it means she's willing to kill to get what she wants? " Strange stated making me stop from walking looking back at them

"she wants my powers to travel physically...but.. I would be killed in the process.. " the girl behind him looked down

"wanda wouldn't do that" i firmly stated

"she attacked kamar-taj.... Killing lots of sorcerers just because we don't want to give chavez" he added

"We need you.. " the girl also added

Lots of thinking but i just agreed on going with them. I can't stay in a single universe for too long... I'll fade away...i was born to guard the multiverse and never to fall in love but i guess it became inevitable when i met wanda

The portal opened and i just couldn't belive what i saw.

The portal opened and i just couldn't belive what i saw

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"y-y/n?" She soften up

"What happened to you?" I sigh going towards her as she cupped my face

"i-is that r-really you?" She catched her breath tears running down her cheeks

"It is...but are you still my wanda?" I softly asked holding back my own emotions

"I can't..see her" i exhaled heavily looking directly at her eyes

"I-im sorry" she sobbed but i just pulled her in a hug that i actually was craving for such a long time

"Can you give me the book?" I asked gently and she looked at me and seemed hesitant

I suddenly felt my energy draining as some parts of my fingers are starting to disappear

She started panicking swallowing thickly before Caressing my cheeks "i-ill go with you! In any universe.. please.. let me be by yourside.. please.." she begged

"You know i can only travel by myself... I don't have the power to bring you with me"

She suddenly looked at the girl strange is with "great now it's either they team up or y/n dies..wand will get more mad...but both of the outcomes are us dying" strange shaked his head getting ready to attack us

Wanda tried but i quickly stopped her protecting strange "get out of my way" she mumbled but i stayed standing firmly


"What? Are you gonna hurt me too?" I asked earning a soft look from her

" Y-Youre Fading... SWITCH UNIVERSE NOW!" she stated as i looked down and almost half of my body is gone

"I'm done running... I'm ok.. as long as im with you" i says at her as she keeps on begging me to go

"But...i would wanna spend my last minutes with wanda....not with the Scarlet witch" i added

"p-please just s-switch" she started sobbing on my chest

"Can i feel wanda? P-Please?" I smiled tears running down my cheeks as i held her hand

The darkness on her fingers started vanishing and i genuinely feel the wanda i fell in love with.

"My sorceress.....i love you" i gave her a genuinely smile

"I-im b-begging... P-please" she catched her breath Tracing heer fingers on my cheeks

"Wrong response" i forced a chuckle

"I l-love you t-too" she smiled back pulling me on a kiss as i felt her tears running down my cheeks

Chavez pov

We watched as y/n fade away completely...same exact time the dark hold also started burning

"She destroyed it.." strange mumbled referring about the book

"What happens now?" I mumbled feeling a heavy feeling watching them get separated again

"Nothing... nothing anymore...As she fades away... All of her variants in every universe will do the same..wanda's healing starts now..."

I walked towards wanda pulling her in a hug as she sobs her heart out..i just started rubbing her back comforting her.

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