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Soulmate is a nature that was given to us witches by the Gods above. Many said that soulmates are the missing piece of us, our second half. Same thing can be said about covens.

Covens are a group of witches that have found and bonded each other. Sometimes magic is the one that brought them together, by dynamic, and sometimes it's because of soulmates.

There are multiple types of relationships of a coven, a found-family coven, and a platonically-bonded coven. There are also covens by profession, which means that they form covens for work or contracts.

There are two markings that's related to this; The coven mark and The witch mark.

The Coven mark refers to the mark your coven will give to you. Covens always have a symbol to represent them. And that mark will be given to you as soon as you join the coven. There are various ways on how covens give their mark. Some do it traditionally like setting up a ritual and cast a spell on the new mate, while some mixes all their covenmate's blood to draw the symbol on their new mate,

The witch mark is by the name itself, is the mark of the witches that determines their type of Witchcraft or what type of witch they are, which is connected to their source of magic. This is also connected to their soulmate bond, which considers this as a soulmate mark.

When you find your soulmate, your mark will flood your source of magic with a newfound energy. That newfound energy is the energy of your soulmate. You will also feel a slight burning sensation because of the new adjustment.

It's quite common to have 1-2 soulmates, that's normal for most. And there isn't anything that says about headaches as a side effect in finding your soulmate..

So why did I, Kuroko Tetsuya, a low-life and a wanted witch, felt not just three—but SIX energies flowing with my magic??

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