The energy that sprouts

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A small information that will become handy in the next chapters forward:

I mentioned earlier chapters (specifically in chapter 5) about the two types of nature: Energy of nature and witch/soulmark energy. However, there's actually three types of energy (I forgot to mention the other one.)

So there's three types of nature: Natural energy (or Energy of nature), Witch/soulmark energy, and then we have the branch energy.

Natural energy is the energy the witch had been born with. It helps in determining what kind of witch you are. However, every witch type has only one specific color regarding this. No different witch's identity has the same Natural energy.

Witch/soulmark energy is located where your source of magic/energy comes from that often builds your aura. When soulmates bond, soulmark's energy will become more visible to the ones they've bonded with because they received energy from their soulmates throughout the process.

Lastly, the branch energy. Now this branch energy is in between Natural and Witchmark energies. It's called the branch energy because it depends on what branch of witchcraft you perform, not specifically for what type of witch you are. As to why, unlike natural energy, branch energies can be similar in color with other witches. So for example: a kitchen witch and a practical witch can have the same branch energies because their spellworks are branches of each other's witchcrafts.

Now how do you differentiate them and see them in a witch? You'll see soon.


Seijuurou went home to his boyfriends in the living room already, they were home early, too early. It shows that all of them sensed it already.

Sighing, Seijuurou took his shoes off and greeted them, "I'm home."

All of them smiled, Ryouta went up to him and hugged him and then he heard a chorus of "Welcome home." He could hear the genuine tone before the unsettling feeling started lingering.

As he sat in between Taiga and Atsushi, Shintarou appeared from the kitchen carrying a tray of drinks. With a small "Welcome back." from him, he served tea to him and Taiga, the rest having a hot chocolate instead.

The doctor poured himself a tea before sitting down beside Ryouta. It was quiet in the living room, everyone having thoughts in their mind and not knowing how to start with it.

Especially Seijuurou who made the biggest mistake that he swore he wouldn't do.

The heavy silence continued until it was finally interrupted by Taiga's awkward cough, hoping to relieve the tension. "So are we going to talk about this or..?"

This made Seijuurou cough too, "Yeah. We are. I'm sure you all felt the completion by now."

All of them nodded. "And I'd like to apologize for-" Seijuurou almost apologizes when Taiga placed his hand on him and ruffled his hair, hard.

"There's nothing to apologize for, idiot." Taiga said, smiling. "Yeah. Also don't ever apologize, it feels weird coming out of your mouth." Daiki said beside Taiga, which earned him a smack from the redhead.

"Yeah! There's nothing you should apologize for, Seicchi. If anything I should be the one apologizing because if I had not met him in the first place–" Ryouta reasoned when Shintarou cutted him off.

"No one should be apologizing, fate has its way with us. Us meeting him is definitely not a coincidence, but there must be a reason why fate decided to tie us all with him."

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