Countless questions, One answer

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By the time Kagami comes home, the door is already unlocked and the lights are already on. When he removed his shoes, he caught sight of two familiar shoes. Kise's and Midorima's.

'They must be in the shower' He thought

He marched on the kitchen to place the plastic bags on the table. He's really tired, he considers unpacking all the groceries by a spell, he doesn't have the strength to perform a spell though.

The witch sighed as he started unpacking them and placing them to their rightful place. Midway through, he heard footsteps approaching.

"Kagamicchi? Welcome back!" Kise, fresh out of the shower, greeted him before hugging him to which he returned, muttering "I'm back" then kissing his forehead.

They pulled away, Taiga resuming the groceries while Ryouta helped. "So how's your photoshoot?" He asked the crystal witch.

"Went very smoothly, the producers weren't fussy and all because Mr. Hanitani wasn't there. The shooting went fast actually, it's the first in a while." Ryouta hummed as he placed the box of cereals in the cupboards.

"Explains why you got home early." Taiga said, placing the eggs in the fridge.

Ryouta is a model in the main city which is quite far away from the town. When you use the bus to go there, you have to stop at three stations before getting there. Taking the train is faster since you only have to stop at one station.

Usually, Ryouta would go home very late because his photoshoots take longer, or because both transportation (bus and train) is full, besides he's quite famous there so it's hard using public transportation without fans swarming over him. Which is why he always goes out the earliest out of everyone to get there fast.

"Mmhmm~! We almost started shooting another concept until I read your message. I managed to escape from my manager and the producer." He winked

Taiga feels bad for stopping Ryouta from work. "Sorry about that–"

"It's finee don't worry about it. We promised not to keep anything and talk about whatever bothers us, didn't we?" His boyfriend smiled at him, reassuring him.

"Besides it was easy to convince them"

Taiga snorts, "What lie did you say?"

"It wasn't a lie! I said I was tired and I want to go home and rest or else my face will become haggard and stressed. They couldn't afford to have their top model get eyebags." Leave it to Ryouta and his dramatic excuses.

"That sounds like gaslighting." They both snapped their heads towards the new voice that joined theirs. Midorima was standing on the entrance, hair dried and neatly brushed.

"It's not!" Argued Ryouta which the green haired ignored. Walking over the newly stacked fridge to find a drink.

"You're home earlier than usual" Taiga pointed out

"Well the number of patients is low so it didn't take long for me to finish." That was a lie, the patients kept on coming and coming at the hospital, he hurriedly finished checking them (with the help of his colleagues) to rush back home as soon as he read Taiga's message.

Not like he'll ever admit that.

It's obvious by now that he's a Witch-doctor. Apart from cosmic, Hedge is one of his witchcraft. Not like he has more than that. He's naturally a Hedge witch, but he decided to learn Cosmic witchcraft due to his mother's influence.

Shintarou works in the town's main hospital, which is again, owned by his father by the name. His father's hospital is actually in the main city, his father just decided to build another hospital here (with the same name) when Shintarou decided to move to this town.

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