A stranger.

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Panting, huffing, panicking. Tetsuya doesn't know where he's heading to, all he knows is that he's trying to run away, this gives him Deja vu, except he's not running from hunters–but instead from his soulmate that he just met.

He didn't know how it was possible to have another soulmate. The books he read said nothing about having three soulmates–the book he read said Two soulmates are normal, is he abnormal?

He learned that, he heard people talking about it but not once did he hear about having more than two–oh.

Tetsuya stills for a moment, eyes widening in realization.

The books never said about two soulmates being the maximum,

'Having one or two soulmates is usual, the majority of the witch population has one or two. But having three or more soulmates is rare but not impossible. Over 8% of the population has more than two soulmates.'

"Rare but not impossible."

Tetsuya wants to break down on the street. He wants to go home, go back to the village and run away.

His knees were about to give in but he held it in and walked, then he found an alleyway, going over in the shadows he gave in. Slumping on the walls of the alleyway. He can't handle this, this is too much.

He thought he was safe with two soulmates, he thought it'll be easy to get away from them, but now he has another one. He wouldn't be surprised if he had more.

Tetsuya hopes the red head he just met is the last.

He returned to the inn and stayed there for the rest of the day. He'll just resume his Job applying tomorrow, if he wants to go out after all of the things that happened in the past 2 days.

He'll think about that later, right now he just wants to rest.


It was the next day and he had work, unfortunately. Aomine yawned as he stretched, right now he's on patrol duty.

Aomine Daiki has the same build as Kagami Taiga, tall and muscular, though he's slightly taller than Kagami. He's a policeman and also a storm witch. He's content with his life. He has a job, he lives with his 5 gorgeous boyfriend and also soulmate whom he loved ever since meeting them.

He lives a normal and fulfilling life. He's happy.

Until he found out that they have another soulmate who is a complete stranger.

Sure having 5 soulmates is uncommon, but he knows it's possible. He didn't even question it when he found out, knowing that it's the other 5 he had a past unrequited love with is his soulmate is enough for him to feel content.

But this is a different case. It's been years since all of them got together, no one had ever gone their way. It was always them, all Six of them against the world. Always been that way.

And yet, a stranger managed to connect with them.

Daiki sighed as he thought about Yesterday's talk.

"We'll purposely try to ignore him. He hasn't met me, Atsushi, and Daiki. So we'll try to avoid him at any cost. The mark should forget about the connection as long as we don't meet him and bond with him. As long as it's ignored for a long time, the connection will soon break."

He wonders if that's alright. I mean sure he's against having another soulmate aside from them, but isn't that a form of rejection?

Rejecting soulmates is common amongst witches. There's multiple reasons on why they reject their soulmates; Either because both or one party is not yet ready or they didn't like their soulmate. Some are because of their witchcraft, if they don't like their soulmate's magic or if it's too weak they'll reject them. That's pretty common along with rejection because of status.

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