Farnbreths Might Part 3.

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Seated among his closest companions, William reclined in a chair, leisurely stretching his legs forward. The entrance of the riders into the Sanctuary instantly captured Vallessa's attention. With a subtle grin, she approached her father, pleased by his relaxed demeanor.

Rising to his feet, William declared, "Gather everyone at the gate. I shall venture forth and ascertain the cause of this commotion."

Assuming his customary role with effortless nonchalance, William embodied the essence of a natural leader. Vallessa set off to assist in assembling the group, while the wardens accompanying William stood up in unison. They willingly rallied behind him, for he was not only respected but also well-liked. Eager to lend their support, they aimed to sway others with their persuasive efforts.

Jian, warden number eight and one of William's closest friends, affirmed, "We shall assist in organising the others."

Having considered the situation, William discerned that further words were unnecessary. The intricate internal politics among the wardens had been momentarily addressed. Approaching with the utmost respect, he introduced himself. However, his gesture was met with questioning gazes and a hint of annoyance.

"We have come to request an audience with the High Priest. These matters do not concern you, so I kindly request that you step aside," retorted one of the individuals. Although not the eldest among the quartet, his authoritative demeanor was unmistakable. His round face boasted rosy cheeks, further flushed from the recent ride. Piercing eyes, reminiscent of a pig's, glared at William while he pushed back his mop of curly, greying hair. Time had left its mark on him, as his physique indicated a slight weight gain and a visible reduction in agility.

With a humble nod, William respectfully lowered his head. "Forgive me, my lord. I did not mean to be impertinent. I am here on behalf of all the wardens who have been summoned by the High Priest. I have come at his specific request."

The man's cheeks seemed to intensify in their reddened hue. "Do you even know who I am, warden?"

William experienced a growing sense of discomfort, his annoyance mounting at the treatment he was receiving. He lifted his gaze to meet the man's eyes. "No, my Lord, I am here to serve the High Priest, who holds authority in this realm in the absence of the King."

The man's fury escalated, leaving William perplexed as to the cause of such intense anger. Stepping forward, as if preparing to strike, he menaced William. Wide-eyed, William instinctively took a step back, his voice quick to interject, "My Lord, I meant no offense."

"Perhaps you should have considered the consequences before daring to defy your superior," the man declared, drawing his sword partially.

Interrupting the escalating tension, the High Priest emerged from the temple, voicing his disapproval. "I believe resorting to violence against your comrades, especially in such times, is unnecessary," he stated, his expression reflecting his dismay. The High Priest's gaze held Lord Gains with a condemning intensity.

Reluctantly, Lord Gains slid his half-drawn sword back into its scabbard and simply addressed the High Priest as "Your Eminence," without a trace of apology. The High Priest harboured no fondness for Lord Gains, as he had always acted with a sense of entitlement beyond his station. Furthermore, the High Priest found satisfaction in the surprise exhibited by Lord Gains' companions upon witnessing the response of their peers to William's arrival. Despite their equal social standing, the High Priest outranked them all.

"What news?" the High Priest inquired, turning his attention to Lord Jonts.

Lord Jonts wasted no time in responding, though he cast a subtle glance toward his superior as he spoke. Lord Gains maintained a rigid forward gaze, his anger barely concealed beneath the surface. William observed this subtle political battle unfold, his attention captivated by the unfolding dynamics. Meanwhile, the other wardens had gathered, with Jian positioned at the forefront, serving as an invisible boundary that others dared not cross, although Cotads seemed precariously close to breaching it.

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