Rise of the Dalon part 4.

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"I'll see you later," Vallessa bid Leena farewell before she sought out her father, leaving Leena to conclude her tasks in the kitchen.

Vallessa, still adorned in her finest attire, commanded the attention of the men within the royal guard. Sensing their gaze, she played on her womanly charms, weaving through the farm gate onto the south road. As she passed the duty-bound guard, a coy smile graced her lips. Spotting William amidst a group engaged in wood chopping, Vallessa halted her stride just short of the gathering. With a mere glance, William discerned her desire for conversation. Vallessa felt a quiet satisfaction as her father silently watched the guards, before wandering over to her side.

Upon reaching her, William felt a wave of discomfort, his only words being a heartfelt "sorry." Years had passed since the loss of Vallessa's mother, and William harboured no desire to convey forgetfulness. Yet, as Vallessa reassured him softly, a weight seemed to lift from William's shoulders.

"You know I love you," William affirmed, enfolding his daughter in an embrace. "You know I'd never wish you harm."

"And I'll always ensure your safety," Vallessa declared firmly. Their laughter resonated as they settled by the roadside, the sun veiled by drifting clouds, yet the air remained temperate.

"I care deeply for Leena," William resumed, "but I wish she exercised more restraint. It was rather embarrassing."

"They're all friends, and there were whispers abound. It should hardly come as a shock," Vallessa responded, seeking to assuage his discomfort.

William nodded in resignation. "I know," he conceded, rising to his feet and assisting Vallessa. "You'd best change into something more fitting," he remarked, casting an appraising eye over her attire, deeming it unsuitable for the company of soldiers. "And I'll go check on the others," he concluded, turning towards the barn. Vallessa departed to change, reassuring her father as she watched him retreat.

Upon William's return to the barn, he was greeted with congratulations, immediately putting him at ease. Casting a glance towards Leena, who lingered at the periphery, he offered a smile, prompting her to wrap him in a spontaneous embrace.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"No harm done," William replied, still feeling uneasy amidst the others. He pressed a light kiss to her cheek, the moment fleeting.

"Prepare to depart," he commanded with authority.

The farmer interjected, "And Balor?"

"We prepare. If he's not here when we're ready, you'll lead the others north with the horse and cart," William directed, intending to remain behind.

The farmer nodded, and Leena, despite her reservations, refrained from protesting, knowing Vallessa would have something to say about it. They loaded the cart, William claiming more of his belongings than his wards, viewing it as a warden's prerogative, to which the others did not object.

The royal guard dispatched additional patrols, and Lord Jonts maintained his encampment within William's Hall. William's abode morphed into a makeshift fortress, with a shallow ditch lined by an earthen wall and stakes planted where the buildings did not provide adequate fortification. The barn had been commandeered by the guards, who swiftly fortified its openings, mirroring their efforts at the hall. William had instructed the others to maintain silence regarding his plans to inform Vallessa, and as final arrangements were made, he found himself dreading the conversation. James and Jay kept vigilant watch atop the barn roof, joined by a guard whose arrival prompted the pair to redouble their surveillance efforts, particularly given the guard's gender. However, her appearance hardly mirrored conventional beauty.

Below, William fidgeted nervously, awaiting an opportune moment to broach the subject with Vallessa. As daylight waned, William silently rejoiced at the absence of rain. The enemy had breached Farnbreth's gates in less than a day, though they had yet to advance beyond. Half the populace had begun their exodus to the city's north. Despite the morning's reports preceding the Dalon's seizure of the forts, no news of the King had surfaced. Hope persisted among the guard; surely, if the army had been defeated, the southerners would have descended upon Farnbreth by now.

Farmer and Crane stood by the cart as Leena went to fetch Vallessa, who had changed into a simpler dress suitable for work. Vallessa's preparations had taken longer than expected every room she entered teeming with guards. She had carefully stowed the dress in her secret hiding spot, considering the garment and its fabric too valuable to leave exposed. Eventually, Leena and Vallessa made their way to the cart, ready to depart

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