Farnbreths Might. Part 2

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Few had ever set foot inside the sanctuary. So few in fact that William and Vallessa had no idea what to expect. As they walked through the gate it became clear that what looked like a huge temple from the outside, was actually a wall surrounding a simple stone structure, no bigger than a small house. Within the interior, encircling the base of the wall, were lodgings and storage facilities - unadorned wooden structures adorned with a sheltered passageway. Far overhead, an additional stone walkway offered entry to the pinnacle of the wall. The sanctuary was, in essence, a keep and stronghold. William and Vallessa were unable to conceal their astonishment.

"Welcome warden four. You are lucky there is no rain today as the temple does not have room for us all," said the High Priest said while welcoming them.

The High Priest, who had welcomed William, had not been visible to him while he stood at the threshold of the actual temple. Upon closer inspection, the stone edifice appeared to be more of a large rock with a doorway, and likely a chamber hewn inside it. It was only then that William observed the other guardians in close proximity, alongside their assistants. He swiftly deduced that he was most likely the tardiest arrival and felt a twinge of annoyance and embarrassment. "It is a privilege," William responded, slightly inclining his head and nudging Vallessa to follow suit.

The High Priest acknowledged William and then elevated his tone to speak to the entire group. "Let us commence," he declared, attired in a sombre gown that draped down to his feet and fastened at the waist with a gilded belt. Around his neck hung a wide pendant adorned with a precious gemstone - exquisite in its simplicity. The High Priest directed his attention to the guards, who departed momentarily and promptly returned, bearing platters overflowing with food, mugs brimming with drink, and seats for each individual. The guards had removed their elaborate armour and were now attired in plain white trousers and shirts secured once more with golden ties, regardless of gender.

Before the high priest, a semi-circle of wardens had formed in the open courtyard, and they patiently waited for him to address them. Standing at the entrance to the temple, the High Priest commanded their attention with a raised hand, and a hush fell over the assembled wardens. "Thank you for coming," he began. "I have called you all here today to rule in the King's stead, during his absence." This proclamation was not unexpected, as the captain had already relayed this news, and it was widely known that the high priest would assume control in the king's absence. "As wardens, you have only met me once before, but you are all familiar with my priests who tend to the wards. Even as we speak, they are keeping a watchful eye over them. I am sure that you have questions, and I am here to answer them."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, but the High Priest raised his hand once more, commanding their attention. Although he exuded an air of kindness, he was far from jolly. He spoke quietly and clearly, his presence demanding respect." Before I take your questions, let me update you on our current situation," he paused to straighten his back as if readying himself for a great burden. "As you are all aware, we are at war. Many of you have contributed men to the home guard, who now protect our forts. While some of you may have more information than others, going forward, we will all be on equal footing." The High Priest fixed his gaze on William, his friendly expression filling Vallessa with pride. Even among this gathering of wardens, her father was recognized as a leader.

The assembled wardens listened intently as the High Priest began to speak. "We stand at a crossroads," he declared. "The King has marched south with an army so vast that we have never seen its equal." The crowd fell silent, fully absorbed in the High Priest's words. "Our enemies have fallen before fewer numbers, and the strength of Farnbreth has always been built on the lives given to protect her. But for the first time in millennia, we face a threat unlike any other. The King has gone to face a foe whose army is less than a day's march from our forts." The High Priest paused, allowing his words to sink in. Everyone was stunned, even Cotad, who had yet to receive the news from Cral. "The enemy's numbers are great to have made it this far, but they face the greatest army in our world. Even if the day goes well, the solid ring of forts will remain unbroken. God forbid that the day is lost, but preparation and control are of utmost importance. That is why you are all here. All news will come to me, and together we can react to whatever news may arrive. As wardens and priests, you are my connection to our people. We will wait, and with any luck, that will be all we have to do." The High Priest concluded his speech, and the wardens remained quiet, their thoughts racing with the gravity of the situation. He read the faces around him before offering, "you may speak now".

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