Farnbreths Might Part 4.

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Sansarris barely had a moment to cry out for his troops to tighten their ranks before the thundering Farnbreth cavalry crashed into them. The sheer force of the impact shattered the Sarris front lines, ruthlessly battering and slashing their way through. Sansarris swiftly sidestepped a lethal strike, his sword finding its mark as it plunged into an enemy horse, sending it crashing to the ground along with its rider. With his favoured small shield, he parried incoming blows and swiftly thrust his blade at another fallen enemy. Glancing back, he saw his rear line holding on by a thread. The Farnbreth charge had lost some of its initial momentum amidst the determined resistance of the massed Sarris forces. Sansarris's men rallied around him amidst the chaotic frenzy of combat. His gaze searched for the southern cavalry, witnessing their valiant struggle off to his left, but Farnbreth's advantageous positioning on the higher ground posed a daunting challenge. Never had Sansarris anticipated such a substantial cavalry force, especially one so singularly focused on decimating his own troops. The battle raged on around him as the Farnbreth cavalry began regrouping. Sansarris sprinted towards his dwindling line, or what remained of it. The southern cavalry had been too distant to provide support on his right flank, resulting in the utter collapse of the warriors stationed there without their aid. Those who still stood were already turning to flee. "Retreat to the bridge!" Sansarris bellowed, desperately hoping there was still time to salvage what little remained. The remaining steadfast line gradually fell back, and Sansarris forcefully pushed his way to its centre, assuming his place in the front rank.

Jago's cavalry had collided head-on with the fortified Sarris center. Despite their initial assault failing to break the enemy line, they swiftly pulled back, regrouping for a renewed attack. Jago admired the Sarris' resilience and acknowledged their valiant effort, but he knew they wouldn't be able to withstand another charge. His own losses had been minimal, and the sporadic arrows from the Sarris archers had little impact. Rising in his stirrups, Jago surveyed the scene. His right flank had started pushing back the southern cavalry, which had saved the Sarris from complete annihilation. Meanwhile, the southern cavalry that had veered too far wide to offer assistance was now approaching his left flank, but there was still time to prepare for their arrival.

Jago turned to his men, his voice commanding and resolute. "On my signal, obliterate these bastards. Trample them beneath your feet," he declared, pointing his sword directly at the Sarris. "I will deal with these latecomers." With a kick of his heels, he urged his horse forward, galloping the length of his newly formed line, heading towards the captain of his left wing. The captain, already turning to face a new threat, found assurance in what he witnessed. Satisfied, Jago unleashed a second charge upon the Sarris.

Sansarris caught sight of the rider racing along the Sarris line, assuming him to be the Farnbreth cavalry commander. He offered gratitude to the gods that the southern cavalry, sent to bolster his right flank, had finally arrived. Although the southern cavalry on his left had been pushed back, their efforts had exacted a toll on the enemy, just enough to prevent complete annihilation. The remaining Farnbreth cavalry on that side seemed content with trailing the retreating Sarris. Sansarris cast a glance back over his men's heads and realised they were nearly at the bridge, even though it offered little salvation unless Borrock sent reinforcements. Despite their battered state, the Sarris forces still boasted considerable numbers, but their light armour, reliant on speed, rendered them vulnerable out in the open. Sansarris cursed under his breath; they had retreated as far as they could. Now they would have to confront the cavalry once more—they had reached the bridge.

"Hold!" Sansarris commanded, his order rippling through the line. The approaching Farnbreth cavalry loomed on the horizon. He watched as the southern cavalry turned away from the Farnbreth charge, with Jago leading the way. Sansarris screamed in frustration at their apparent retreat, but at least their diversion had alleviated some of the pressure. He stood firm, his men surrounding him with solemn expressions. The thunderous hooves echoed through the valley as the charging cavalry wall barrelled toward the Sarris, an overwhelming force of mounted warriors.

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