Rise of the Dalon Part 6 (not copy edited yet!)

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The rush of the patrols arriving and the cart going had meant that William had been able to slide off to the side of his barn, which was closest to the south road without receiving any real attention. Eventually the captain was informed and William became aware that he was heading in his direction. He was prepared.

"You were ordered to leave. These men will escort you north," The captain said in a military manner. The guards with him stepped forward.

"I will stay" replied William

"You are a civilian" the captain said firmly "and Lord Jonts".

William cut in "Lord Jonts is your commander captain, but I am a warden and when my people are safe then my responsibility is to the land, its the law, dictated by the King" William advised the captain in as relaxed manner as he could manage. The captain looked uncertain. William continued seeing he had the upper hand. "The King demands that I protect this land and I will use my sword and armour to do it"

The captain was a little lost. As fare, as he knew William was right. He sighed with frustration and headed for the hall. He was not paid to argue about the law! This one was for Lord Jonts.

William looked south as the final light faded away, quietly satisfied with himself. He stayed out the way in his little corner as his home came alive with guards rushing and shouting as the last patrols came in. The relaxed manner they had all had changed instantly into military precision as Lord Jonts gave orders. Lord Jonts had seen William and waved his hand in dismissal. He had no time to deal with him. Every man and women of the guard had strapped on their full armour, checked their chosen weapons and taken up their positions. Most lined the perimeter but two detachments stood ready, near lord Jonts in the centre of the yard.

Looking around, William noticed that only the red sash united the royal guard, everything else was of personal preference; from their armour on their chests to the boots they had on their feet. This was the privilege of the guard. They were the very best of Farnbreths foot soldiers. Each one a champion in their own right. Loyalty and discipline also combined to make them the formidable enemy they were. William felt fear begin to well up, this was not the place for him. He could fight but he was not a warrior. Nervously he fiddled with what armour he had, and adjusted his sword at his side, all of which was woefully inadequate in comparison to the company that surrounded him.

Beside William stood a slim man no taller than himself. He Held a spear and round shield with a crescent cut in one side of it. A mace hung from his waist. His armour was pristine although clearly lighter than many of the guard. The man protected his head with a simple domed helmet, which ran down to cover the back of his neck and had a bridge to protect his nose. William's inspection had caught the man's attention and William quickly looked away.

"You're the warden, right?" the man said in a low voice.

"That's right " William replied thinking the question a little stupid as it was more than obvious who he was amongst this lot. Both stared over the wall into the night.

"Your with me then" the guard told William.

"Sorry" William replied not quite sure what the guard meant.

The guard sensed the irritation in Williams voice and quickly corrected matters. "Orders from lord Jonts sir, keep you with me sir".

"ok" William conceded, not sure if he liked the idea of a bodyguard, and then asked with a nervous chuckle "So its going to get a little busy is it"

"That's right sir" the guard said enthusiastically "these lizards we've spent all day looking at have come to have a look at us, and gods permitting they will meet the real soldiers of Farnbreth"

William was far from enthusiastic about that prospect. He was not happy about it at all; they all stood in silence as William fought his rising fear. His home had become a fort and its garrison waited for the enemy, which would come in the dead of night.

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