C4- practice rounds & you

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The party was going great. Yoongi had a few drinks here and there, nothing he couldn’t handle, though. He had ditched Namjoon a while ago to mingle with more celebrities, but somewhere along the lines, he met Seokjin, and they just couldn’t stop talking to each other.

Yoongi and Seokjin were laughing about some random joke Seokjin made, which made no sense, but they still laughed anyway. Yoongi took a drink of his choice of beer and swallowed it—he hummed as he felt the sting in the back of his throat. He felt someone’s presence near him, but he just brushed it off as some random party guest, focusing all of his attention on Seokjin. “Yoongi right?” A voice asked. Yoongi turned to where the voice was coming from, his slight frown turning into a small smile as he saw whose voice it was. “Yes.” Yoongi answered as he watched Hoseok struggle to turn off his mic. A little laugh slipped past his lips

“Can I join you guys?” Hoseok asked with a lazy smile. He also had drank a bit before the party out of pure nervousness. Yoongi looked back at Seokjin, who nodded in approval. “Sure.” He smiled, scooting over for the boy to sit next to them. Hoseok joins them on a bar stool and takes a drink of his whiskey. “I haven’t seen you in ages, Seokjin.” Hoseok laughs and sets his glass down. “What have you been up to these days?” He continues, his gaze shifting completely to Seokjin—sneaking a few glances at Yoongi here and there. He had to admit, the boy definitely took his interest. He didn’t know what it was about him, though.

Seokjin thought for a moment, deciding on the perfect response. “Well, you know.. just modeling these days. I haven’t had much time to do anything else.” He sighs sadly as he takes a shot, placing the glass on the table beside him. “What about you? Is there anything interesting going on besides your new album? Congratulations, by the way.” Seokjin smiles sweetly at Hoseok. “Thank you, Thank you. I’ve been working on some new choreography for my new album. Haven’t really had time for anything else either because of the album.” Seokjin nodded in response to Hoseok.

The two continued catching up with each other, leaving Yoongi to space out. Beer in hand, he stared out into the crowd where many people were dancing and having fun. So many celebrities were there. There were so many chances at his disposal. He wanted this. No. He needed this. “Hey..Yoongi?” Hoseok lightly tapped on the boy's shoulder, snapping him out of his deep thought. “Seokjin wanted to know if we wanted to play beer pong.” Yoongi nodded in response, a smile replacing a previous confused one. Hoseok smiled back and held out his hand for him. Yoongi happily took it and followed the younger one to the beer pong table.

Once they made it to the table, they split up into two teams of two. They decided on doing duos because there weren’t many people over at the table anyway. The teams were Taehyung and Seokjin, and Hoseok and Yoongi. When the game began, it was Hoseok and Yoongi’s turn first. “Don’t worry, Yoongi, I’m a god at this game.” He bragged as he aimed his ping pong ball to a cup, completely missing the cup by a whole inch. “…Ignore that. That was a practice round.” Hoseok looked away, his cheeks flustered. Yoongi laughed at his cute demeanor, the others soon joining in. The game continued once again, but this time, it was Seokjin’s and Taehyung's turn. To their luck, the team completely missed as well. Throughout the game, there were many times all of them burst into laughter. Hoseok’s continuous “practice rounds,” left Yoongi in a fit of laughter. “This game has to be rigged!” Hoseok exclaims, a scowl painting his pretty features. The game was coming to an end, and much to their surprise (not really) they lost. The teams made their way back to an open booth with Hoseok’s reasoning on ‘why they should’ve won’ following behind them. “So you see, that ball was at a curved 90-degree angle. It's completely impossible to make.” He continued, staggering his words from all the shots he had taken previously.

Yoongi helped Hoseok to make sure he wouldn’t fall, his hands around the boy’s shoulder to keep him up. “We should’ve won, Yoongs. Can you believe that?” Hoseok mumbled, sitting down at the booth with the others. Yoongi smiled at the nickname he had given him. It was cute. “Hoseok, how can a ball possibly be at a 90-degree angle?” Taehyung shot back, laughing at the olders' silliness. “It just was.” He insisted, looking back at Yoongi. “Right, Yoongs?” Yoongi chuckled and nodded “Right, Hoseok.”

Taehyung rolled his eyes jokingly and then turned back to Yoongi. “So. We never properly met. I’m Taehyung! I haven’t seen you around here before.” Yoongi smiled and nodded “I’m Yoongi. I’m no celebrity.” He chuckles before adding, “But I do make music in my free time. I’ve always wanted to be in the industry but haven’t quite had the chance to do so.” Taehyung nodded, taking a sip of his leftover whiskey in a SOLO cup he had taken from the table. “Feel free to stop by at my place sometime. I’m not under a label, but I could maybe listen to your work and send a demo to one of my friends.” He smiled at Yoongi as he continued drinking his drink. “Or maybe even Hoseok could help you. He’s very well known these days.” He teases, his eyes landing on the very drunk boy next to Yoongi.

Yoongi looked back at the crimson faced boy beside him. A smile filled his face as he patted the others shoulder. “Maybe. That sounds nice. Thank you, Taehyung.” He looks back at him, bowing his head slightly as a thank you. “I’d love to hear some of your demos as well if you have the time.” Taehyung placed his cup back down and nodded. A phone call interrupted the slight silence between the group, Taehyung's face lighting up like a christmas tree.

“I’ve got to take this. Hoseok will be okay with you guys, right?” He asks as he looks at his phone with eager eyes. Seokjin and Yoongi nodded in response. Taehyung smiles and waves as he answers the phone. “I’ll be home soon, Kook. Don’t worry, babe.” He smiles into the phone as he walks away. Soon after, Seokjin also leaves, leaving Yoongi alone with a very drunk Hoseok. “Yoongi…tell me about yourself.” Hoseok manages to get out as he holds onto Yoongi’s shoulder. “Well..what do you want to know?” He chuckles, letting the other lean against his shoulder. “What made you want to come to my party?” Hoseok asks, his eyes fluttering, trying to look at Yoongi. “Well..I love music, and I’ve always dreamed of being in the industry.” He says with a flat smile. Well, that was a lie. Well, not exactly. He did love music, and he did want to be in the industry, but that wasn’t why he was here. He was here for leverage. Not for friends. “Well, why don’t you pursue your dream?” Hoseok asks, his eyes exploring the others, trying to figure him out. Yoongi looked away—he felt if he looked at the other, he would somehow figure him out. His true intentions. Before Yoongi could respond, he saw a frantic figure approaching their table, an unreadable expression on the boy's face.

“Hoseok! There you are.” Jimin exclaimed, quickly helping the older up. As soon as he was up, Jimin looked back at Yoongi. “Thank you for watching him. He knows he can’t drink this much.” He scowls at Hoseok, who is hiccuping and laughing at him. Yoongi had an eerie feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he decided to ignore it. “It’s no problem at all. He kept me company while I was waiting for my friend.” Yoongi smiled. “We’ll get out of your hair now.” Jimin nodded, bowing slightly to Yoongi. “See you around Hoseok!” Yoongi waved bye to the drunk boy who happily returned it.

Once the two left, Yoongi was left alone again to his thoughts. He drank from his can, crumbling it slightly as he tried to shake off this weird feeling in his stomach. ‘Yoongi, it’s time to put yourself out there.’ He thought to himself as he stood up from the booth. Yoongi noticed a bunch of celebrities at a table near his and decided to go talk to them. What could possibly go wrong?

“Hello! I’m Yoongi.” he smiled at the group of celebs who were busy with their own conversation. It seems like they didn’t see him, so he spoke once again, this time louder. “Hello.” He bowed to them. Their conversation stopped as they stared at the boy, completely weirded out. “Who are you?” One of the girls spoke, laughing in a rude way as she pointed at him with her class. Oh boy..what a night.

1,532 words
July 10th, 2023

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