C6- obsession & burnt coffee

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Yoongi stretched and groaned, his hands falling back to his eyes in attempts to rub away the grogginess. It is currently 7:45am, and Yoongi has a throbbing headache. The chirping bird and sunshiny scenery outside contrasting heavily with Yoongi’s current mood. His body was itchy and sweaty due to his tight clothing because he didn't have the energy to change out of last night. Yoongi sat up and let his eyes adjust to the bright light that was peeking out from his solid black curtains. “What even happened last night.” He mumbled under his breath as he tried to think hard about the previous events. He furrowed his eyebrows, wincing at the pain from his headache. “Gosh, I feel like shit.” He grumbled, tossing his feet over the bed and standing up. He walked over to the mirror and frowned at the reflection staring back at him. He touched his red face and pulled at his now, messed up curls. “Gosh, I look like shit too.” He groaned, slumping his shoulders.

He shuffled around his room to look for some clothes to change into. Sure his outfit looked hot, but it wasn’t comfortable whatsoever. It reeked completely of  alcohol and it was practically sticking to his skin with how much he was sweating. He decided to change into some shorts and a random band tee he found at the back of his closet. Who knows how long that thing has been back there. Yoongi heard someone moving around in the kitchen and making loud noises. Assuming it was probably Namjoon making breakfast, he shrugged it off. Wait. Namjoon making breakfast? Yoongi quickly threw on the shorts and the t-shirt and bolted for the kitchen. Namjoon making breakfast was a hazard in itself. Imagine hungover Namjoon making breakfast. Yoongi shook his head in fear, chills running up his spine. He calmed down once he saw that Namjoon was only making coffee. Seeing Yoongi’s panicked eyes, Namjoon scowled at him. “Yoongi, It was one time.” Namjoon said as he finished pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Yeah. One time that led our apartment building to almost be burned down.” Yoongi shook his head at the clumsy younger who just looked back at him with a disapproving gaze. “Here, Have some coffee and some Hangover medicine. I bet your head feels just as peachy as mine.” Namjoon says sarcastically as he hands Yoongi the medicine and his own coffee mug. He mumbled a quiet ‘Thank you’ as he took the medicine and swallowed it down with some coffee.

“How did you somehow manage to burn coffee?” Yoongi teased, feeling somewhat relaxed from the hangover medicine. “Don’t even start.” Namjoon groaned as he grimaced at the taste of the coffee on his taste buds. There was a silence between the two but it wasn’t awkward at all—almost comforting. “So, What happened last night?” Yoongi asked, interrupting the calm silence. Namjoon began explaining as much as he could remember, Yoongi’s own memory remembering some of the events itself.

It was around 5:30pm in the afternoon and Yoongi was just mindlessly scrolling through instagram. He stumbled over many posts from the party last night. He liked a few that stood out to him, even following some of the people he met last night. Maybe he should post some pictures. It could help him get out there and get connections with people who could make him big. That’s all he ever wanted, right?

He looked through some of the photos he took last night, most being drunk selfies he didn’t even remember taking or even some of just the ceiling. He picked the best ones he could find through his messy camera roll. ‘Note to self: delete some of these photos or your storage is going to be full again.’ Yoongi thought to himself as he began selecting the photos and cropping them so they fit perfectly.

Now that he had the pictures placed in the perfect order, it was time for the caption. The caption had to be perfect. He wanted people to be interested in his post and actually want to follow him. He googled some different caption ideas on very trustworthy sites he found while looking for examples. He decided on ‘Beer pong & Friends.’ He felt it was the perfect balance—plus, most of the photos were him hanging out with the friends he made last night and Hoseok and Him playing beer pong

Yoongi made sure to tag his new friends in the picture before he tossed his phone to the side. He was very tired and decided to take a small nap before he had to go to the studio with Namjoon. He often went with Namjoon to help with tracks and even make his own tracks. The studio was where Yoongi and Namjoon spent most of their free time. Sure, it was silent and there wasn’t much talking—but that's what made it even more special. Yoongi closed his eyes and let himself fall into a deep slumber.

Yoongi woke up from his nap to hear multiple notifications going off on his phone. He lazily patted his hand around to find his phone and when he finally did, he squinted to read the time. 9:00pm. Yoongi sighed as he typed in his passcode to open up his photo. He furrowed his brows once he saw that all the notifications were coming from instagram. His phone was practically blowing up every 10 seconds. Yoongi’s eyes widened when he saw the amount of followers he gained. “What the hell…over 10,000.” He mumbled out, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

“What the fuck.” He whispered out as he looked at the many DMs he was receiving from strangers. Many consisted of “Do you also make music?," or even “How do you know Hoseok?” Yoongi looked back at his post to see all the comments filling the post. His eyes widened once he saw a comment from the boys he had met from last night, even one from Hoseok himself. There were also a lot of comments from other celebrities he didn’t seem to recognize.

A weird feeling filled the pit of the male's stomach. Yoongi couldn’t quite tell what it was exactly but it felt strange. He didn’t hate it though. It was kind of like a food craving except instead of food, Yoongi craved more of this attention. Many people were focusing on him now, he loved that. He wanted it, No. He needed it. Yoongi continued scrolling through thousands of comments—many people wanted to know who this man was. Yoongi was eating up every bit of this, his craving being satisfied fully.

It only lasted for a little while until he got bored and the comments stopped rolling in. He needed to get more somehow, it was almost addicting in a way. Maybe he could make another post? Or meet up with the boys again. That surely would be enough to get fans to take interest in him. Maybe Namjoon could help him out, the younger one was always  very smart when it came to publicity. Whatever he needed to do though, needed to be done fast.

Wait. He has Hoseok's number. Hoseok was a very well known celebrity— not just that, he was also the reason Yoongi was getting attention in the first place. After all..it was Hoseok in the pictures next to him. Maybe he could get help from Hoseok, but how? He couldn’t exactly go up to him and be like “Hey. I want to be famous, please help.” He had to be smart about this if he was going to get Hoseok's help.

Yoongi quickly typed a message on his phone, double checking that his spelling and grammar were on point before he sent it. The message read: “Hey Hoseok! It's Yoongi. I don’t know if you remember me but…I was at your party with Namjoon. I really enjoyed talking to you and playing Beer Pong..LOL. Maybe we could hang out sometime?” Yoongi let out a deep sigh he hadn’t realized he had been holding before he hit send. Welp, What could go wrong? They were just hanging out as friends with no sort of other intentions on Yoongi’s part. Right?

1,386 words
July 14, 2023

Wahhhh Seven is out!!! Its so good 🤧 keep on streaming lets get it on Spotify charts and billboard 100!


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