C30-international kisses & heart flips

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A red tint laid across Hoseok's tan skin. He placed his finger over his bottom lip and let it stay there, his mouth fully agaped. "Oh, is that so?" He managed to mutter out. Yoongi lazily smirked at Hoseok and went back to eating his chinese food. He took his spoon and brought it up to Hoseok's mouth, feeding him. "It tastes very good, eat lots, seokie." Yoongi smiled and fed him more. Hoseok closed his mouth over the spoon and took the food. "You're right." He smiled and swallowed the food.

Hoseok couldn't help but think of the way the older one just casually smirked like that. His stomach felt full and weird and flutterally. Could it be the Chinese food? Whatever it was it made his head spin with many thoughts. Yoongi must have noticed because he quickly tapped on Hoseok's shoulder to wake him from his thoughts. "Huh? Sorry." Hoseok quickly apologized.

Yoongi chuckled and pecked Hoseok's cheek gently. "So I was thinking ¦maybe we could go on another date sometime soon?" Yoongi smiled and put his arm around Hoseok's shoulder. "Another date?" He asked, confused. 'Had they already been on a date before?' Hoseok wondered.

"Yeah, another." Yoongi laughed but then went quiet. "Unless you didn't think the Barbie one wasn't a date. That's completely okay! I understand. I don't want to rush things at all. I'd like to take you out more." He rambled, flustered at assuming Hoseok thought of their little adventure as more than a hangout. Hoseok blushed, recalling the way Yoongi's lips brushed up against his. The way that their hands molded together into the popcorn. "Do you want to kiss?" Hoseok asked, interrupting Yoongi's rambling.

"I'd like that." Yoongi blushed more and leaned closer to Hoseok. He met him half way and pecked his soft lips. Yoongi kissed back, nipping at Hoseok's bottom lip. The kiss was more gentle than their other unintentional ones. This one felt more real than the other ones they had shared together. This kiss was sweet and soft, allowing them to once again become one with each other. 'There is not just me or just Yoongi. There is Us.' Hoseok smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Yoongi.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok's waist and pulled him closer. Yoongi deepened the kiss, rubbing his hands up and down Hoseok's back. He just couldn't help himself. Who could have really blame him when Hoseok was perfect. Hoseok was addicting and Yoongi had no shame admitting it. His lips were soft and plush like pillows with a slight taste of vanilla. It was absolutely amazing. Yoongi couldn't pull away. Hoseok brought his hands up to Yoongi's hair and tugged at some of the loose strands of fading mint that were hanging gently. Yoongi raised one of his hands up to Hoseok's face and cupped his cheeks to pull him closer than he already was.

Sensing the kissing would soon escalate, Hoseok pulled away. Hoseok wouldn't mind if it did but he wanted to wait until the two went on more dates and were official. Yoongi was glad he did because he wasn't sure he could stop kissing Hoseok himself. Yoongi physically lost it when his eyes met Hoseok's starry eyes and flushed cheeks. He looked so pure and fragile"his beauty ethereal. Yoongi could get lost in those deep brown eyes of his forever. Would he mind? No, no he wouldn't. His soft red plush lips were even redder than before and swollen. Yoongi admitted his work and smiled happily. He cupped his cheeks once again and placed a small peck on them. Hoseok blushed and pulled away from Yoongi's grasp. He touched his lips and lazily smiled at Yoongi.

"Wow that was." Yoongi tried to come up with the right words to say about the kiss. To be frank, there wasn't just a simple word to describe the kiss. It was truly something out of this world that Yoongi had the honor of experiencing. "Something." Hoseok finished his sentence and rubbed the back of his neck. He was looking everywhere but Yoongi to avoid any sort of awkwardness, he doubted there would be though. Yoongi could only nod in agreement and reached for Hoseok's hand to hold. "I liked it." Hoseok admitted and finally looked up at Yoongi. "I did too."

"So are you sure that next week is okay? You aren't busy right?" Yoongi asked. He wanted to hang out with Hoseok but he didn't want to bother him if he was busy. "Yes Yoongi. For the one thousandth time, Yes! I'm free." Hoseok put up the plates in his cabinet with an eager looking Yoongi following after him. "But are you sur-'' Before Yoongi could continue, Hoseok pecked his lips. Yoongi sighed in defeat and just nodded.

"How about we go to the Han River for our next date? I heard the stars at night are absolutely magnificent. Maybe we could even have a picnic and watch them." Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, a blush displaying on his face. Hoseok chuckled and kissed Yoongi's cheek gently. "I'd like that." He backed away and threw their garbage from the chinese food away.

Hoseok and Yoongi walked back to the living room and towards the door. It was getting late and it was about time that Yoongi should start heading home. "I had fun today Hoseok." He smiled widely and hugged the younger boy. Hoseok hugged him back and inhaled his musky scent. Hoseok's muscles relaxed and he nodded in agreement with Yoongi.

"I had fun too." Hoseok pulled away from the embrace and placed another small peck on Yoongi's cheeks. Hoseok opened the door for him and led him out. He closed the door behind him and held onto Yoongi's hand. "Let me walk you back to your car." Hoseok smiled and led the way to the lobby.

"You don't have to." Yoongi tried to say but was quickly interrupted by Hoseok. "But I want to." He smiled back at Yoongi. Something about this smile made Yoongi's heart flip inside of his chest. 'What was this?' Yoongi thought to himself. They walked all the way to Yoongi's parked car, coming to a complete stop. "I'll see you soon, yeah?" Hoseok smiled and kissed Yoongi's hand. "Yeah." Yoongi held his breath, watching Hoseok walk away.


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