C20- Shattered Mugs & Gleamy Eyes

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A week had passed since a certain little incident involving lip to lip action between Hoseok and Yoongi. It seemed to be like a broken record because Hoseok could not stop thinking about it no matter how many times he tried to picture something vulgar when he thought about it. It just wasn't working, who could blame him though. Yoongi had soft, plush, sweet, cherry red lips…

"Aish. I really need to stop thinking about him. Happy thoughts Hoseok, Happy thoughts. Rainbows, Unicorns, Kitten..Kittens? Now that he thought about it, Yoongi did resemble a cat somewhat. It was cute. He had cat-like eyes and his vibes were almost exactly the same.He had really soft features compared to his grunge-like style. He was really pale but his eyes. His fucking eyes shined brighter than the stars. Hoseok could go on and on about the olders perfect features and beautiful personality for days. Although, the older one seemed to be preoccupying his mind more and more these days. "What kind of sick romantic comedy is this?" He mumbled to himself. Hoseok got out of his bed and slipped on some slippers. "Maybe coffee will get him off my mind." He said as he began walking to his kitchen.

Hoseok turned on the coffee maker and poured his favorite kind in. While he was waiting for it to heat up, he went to look for a mug. He reached up and chose the closest one near him. He pulled it down and placed it on the table. The coffee machine beeped, signaling that his coffee was done. Hoseok smiled happily as he poured it into his cup, adding creamer and sugar to make it taste sweeter. He brought his mug to the little island in his kitchen and sat down. Hoseok took a sip of the coffee, furrowing his eyebrows at the taste. "I can never get it perfect like those aesthetic influencers." He sighed and took another sip from his mug.

He glanced down at the mug and turned red. On the mug was a cat wearing sunglasses, its paws holding a heart. "Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something." Hoseok chuckled, still much flustered. Mickey came running into the living room barking like crazy. Hoseok jumped a little and dropped his mug, cursing under his breath. The mug made a loud noise and cracked. "Geez Mickey, You scared me." Hoseok picked up the mug and frowned. The cat on the mug was perfectly fine, but the heart it was holding was cracked in the middle. "Strange." Hoseok shrugged it off and set the mug down.

"I guess my whole kitchen is going to smell like coffee." Hoseok laughed as he petted Mickey. "Let's get this cleaned up, yeah?" He asks no one in particular as he looks for a mop. He opens his closet door in the kitchen and pulls out a mop. He begins mopping up the spilt coffee on the floor. He hums a little melody to a song that's been stuck in his head for ages. "A to the G to the U to the STD." He mumbled as he wrung out the mop. 'Where have I heard that from?' He wonders as he puts the mop up. He thinks back to songs that Yoongi has shown him and blushes deeply. "Well, shit. So much for getting him off my mind." He mumbles as he rubs his temple, shaking his head as Yoongi reappears into his mind.

It was now noon and Hoseok hadn't had much planned for the day except a shoot at 3pm, He didn't mind though. He was contemplating on whether or not to text Yoongi as he missed the mint haired boy very much. 'Would I seem too desperate if I said I wanted to see him again.' He wondered as he clicked on Yoongi's contact. He reread some of their previous messages and smiled. It had become a sort of habit for them to text nonstop everyday when they were free. Yoongi was preparing for his debut soon and Hoseok wanted him to be at his utmost focused. Hoseok was so proud of Yoongi and very excited for what the boy had to offer. Whenever Yoongi showed him his music he was honestly mind blown. He expected nothing but greatness and passion from the older.

"Hey, Yoongi! Are you free?" He typed away on his phone, quickly deleting it. "Are you free?" Once again he deleted the message he typed. "Yoongi I was wondering if yo-" He erased it again with a frustrated sigh, he pulled at his ends of hair. He tossed his phone on his bed and groaned loudly as he stuffed his face into the pillow. "Why is it so hard!" He exclaimed and furrowed his brows. "Hey Yoongi! Let's hang soon^^" Hoseok typed really fast and hit send before he could change his mind. "Glad that's over with." He sighed to himself, resting his head in the soft pillow.

Hoseok's head shot up immediately as a ding sound came from his phone. He rested his head in defeat as it was just a notification from instagram about aome hashtag he was involved in. Another notification popped up, this time from Yoongi. Hoseok smiled widely at the message that flashed across his screen. "Sure! Let's hang soon. I miss you so so much Hoseokie (: " the message read. Hoseok blushed and quickly replied back. "Are you free right now?" Hoseok sent the message. A few seconds later Yoongi replied with, "Yes! Are you at your studio? I can drop by." Hoseok smiled and quickly tossed on some random clothes and shoes. He texted back as soon as he finished. "Sure, meet me in 10 minutes! Its the 7th floor. Ask for Hoseok." Hoseok smiled as he sent the address to Yoongi. Yoongi sent back a thumbs up emoji and Hoseok giggled at the cute little message.

Hoseok quickly grabbed his keys and rushed out the door. To be frank, for the first time in a whileâ€"he didn't care what he was wearing, it was Yoongi that was on his mind. He quickly got into his car and started to head to his studio. Surprisingly the traffic wasn't that bad today which made it so much easier for Hoseok. Hoseok turned on the radio in hoped that time would pass quickly if he did.

Once Hoseok arrived at the studio, he quickly got up and rushed to the receptionist's desk. "Hi! I'm having a guest over soon! Please send him up." Before the lady could get a word in, Hoseok had already left for the elevator. He quickly got in and pushed the 7th floor button. The elevator dinged immediately and closed.

The elevator door immediately opened once it reached the seventh floor and let Hoseok out. Hoseok opened the door to his studio with his keys and went to his chair. His studio was nothing compared to Yoongi's. It was a lot bigger than the older ones but it was more empty. Hoseok sat on the couch and stretched. He wiped the sweat off his face and relaxed his muscles. He quickly turned to check the clock on his wall and sighed in relief. '3 minutes to spare.' He thought to himself as he relaxed into the comfy couch. Hoseok checked his phone for any messages from Yoongi. There wasn't any as of now.

A few minutes later Hoseok's phone rang, signaling that Yoongi was here. Hoseok got up and opened the door to his studio so Yoongi could walk in. He heard the elevator open and his smile widened when he saw a sweet looking mint haired boy exit the elevator. "Yoongi! Over here!" Hoseok smiled and gestured for him to come into the studio room. "Holy shit! This is huge." Yoongi exclaimed as he followed Yoongi into the room. His eyes gleamed when they looked at Hoseok's room. Something Hoseok couldn't decipher from his normal gleamy eyes. "Would you like something to drink?" Hoseok asked politely.

Yoongi smiled, envy hidden beneath that grin he had on his face. "No thank you." He replied simply as he took a seat on Hoseok's luxurious couch. "Ah ok! I'm glad you could come!" Hoseok smiled brightly, embracing Yoongi fully. "Yeah…Me too." Yoongi muttered under his breath. "What was that?" Hoseok asked, confused.

"Nothing. Sorry." Yoongi shrugged it off. Oh boy..

May 7.2024

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