C19- Iced Coffee & Caramel Latters

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8 hours had passed by quickly, Yoongi having already grabbed his items and making his way out to the car. He yelled out to Namjoon that he was leaving. Namjoon replied with an okay and to have fun.

As Yoongi drove towards the meeting spot, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Meeting someone in person for the first time always carried a certain level of uncertainty. He wondered if Jungkook would be just as nice and interesting in person as he had been in their conversations.The thought of spending the evening with someone new intrigued Yoongi. He was looking forward to having a fresh experience, getting to know Jungkook beyond the confines of text messages. He hoped they would have a good time together. As he arrived at the designated location, Yoongi spotted Jungkook waiting there. He parked the car and stepped out, feeling a bit self-conscious but determined to make a good impression. Yoongi approached Jungkook with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Jungkook, it's great to finally meet you in person!" Jungkook smiled warmly. The two of them walked into a cozy coffee shop nearby, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. They found a comfortable corner table and took a seat. Yoongi glanced over the menu and decided to order an iced coffee while Jungkook, on the other hand, opted for a caramel latte, his go-to choice whenever he visited a coffee shop.When the barista called out their order, Yoongi reached for his wallet to pay, but Jungkook was quick to intervene. "No, no, I'll take care of it," Jungkook insisted with a friendly smile. "Consider it my treat."

Yoongi was pleasantly surprised by Jungkook's gesture but didn't want to impose. "Are you sure? I can pay for mine," he offered.Jungkook shook his head. "Nope, I'd like to pay for it. Besides, I offered to hang out." They headed back to the corner of the shop and sat down, Yoongi placing a straw into the cup before having a sip.

Yoongi's curiosity piqued, and he decided to ask Jungkook about his boyfriend, Taehyung, who he knew to be a model. Yoongi was genuinely interested in learning more about their relationship and Taehyung's career in the modeling industry. "So, Jungkook, you mentioned earlier that Taehyung is your boyfriend and a model. How did you two get together?" Yoongi inquired, leaning forward slightly, his eyes showing genuine interest. Jungkook's face lit up with a smile as he spoke about Taehyung. "Ah, Taehyung... he's amazing. We actually met a few years ago at a mutual friend's party. We instantly hit it off and became friends. Over time, our friendship blossomed into something more, and now we've been together for over a year.""That's really cool. It's good to have a strong foundation of friendship in a relationship. I'm glad you found that with Taehyung

Curiosity lingering, Yoongi continued, "And I've heard Taehyung is a model. Can you tell me more about his modeling career? How did he get into it?" Jungkook's eyes sparkled with pride as he spoke about Taehyung's journey. "Taehyung always had a passion for fashion and a unique sense of style. It all started when he went to his friends' casting as support. The agency was interested in him and asked him to walk for them. So he walked and they absolutely loved him. Since then, he's gone through rigorous training, learned about posing, runway walks, and building his portfolio. Taehyung's natural charisma was able to set him apart. Recently, he started getting opportunities to work with high end designers and famous photographers.,"I love being able to watch him succeed at something he loved so much," Jungkook explained, admiration evident in his voice.

Yoongi nodded, impressed by how Taehyung was able to accomplish all of that when he had only started at his friend's casting. He wondered if he'd be able to find success like Taehyung was able to. Modeling and producing were two different things, but somehow they were more alike when it came to building up a career for yourself. You had to start somewhere. Yoongi figured it would be useful to ask others who were in the industry as well, seeing how they got to where they were, what their struggles were, and any tips that they may have for him as someone who was at his beginning chapters.

Jungkook asked about Yoongi's interests and plans. Yoongi told him how he had previously made music on SoundCloud but was now working on his first full album. He went into depth about how he got into music in the first place. "I mean, I've always known that I loved music. When I was in middle school, I went to a shop and bought an Eminem Cd. I didn't understand what was being said, neither did my parents. They'd kill me if they had understood what the words were. " Yoongi chuckled thinking back to when years later there had been translations for the songs. "I played that for many days straight and I just thought it was so cool. When I had a little extra money I bought other rap CDs, and I just fell into place. I wanted to try making my own. Later on Namjoon and I started to write together. We created beats.

Jungkook listened intently as Yoongi shared his journey into music, captivated by the story of his passion.  He couldn't help but smile at the image of a young Yoongi, discovering the power of music through Eminem's CD. "That's really cool, Yoongi," Jungkook responded, impressed by Yoongi's determination and love for music. "It's amazing how something as simple as listening to a CD can spark such a strong passion within you."

Yoongi continued on, "working with Namjoon has been amazing. We share a similar love for hip-hop and had a great teamwork when it came to creating music. We would spend many hours writing lyrics and experimenting with different kinds of beats."

Jungkook hummed, nodding as the older one spoke, Namjoon seemed like a super cool guy. Personally he didn't know much about Hip hop, or really rap either. He of course listened to whatever songs happened to be trending and these days rap seemed to be a big thing. But with how much of a hard worker the two were, he could imagine how successful they'd be. He knew how many people often half assed their music or only made it for the numbers. But he could tell that they were both in it for the music. Not the numbers or the fame.

As Yoongi and Jungkook continued their conversation, they realized that their drinks had been long gone. Jungkook glanced at the two empty cans and scratched behind his ear. "Looks like we've finished our drinks. Time really flew by. I feel like we've learned so much about each other by now." Yoongi nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you're right. I honestly had a lot of fun. I'm glad that you suggested that we go out. I think we'll be able to be pretty good friends. Don't you think so?" Jungkook nodded in agreement, thinking they'd be good friends as well.

Jungkook smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting genuine happiness. "Definitely, Yoongi. I had a great time too. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you even more." Yoongi returned the smile, a sense of comfort settling within him. "That's great to hear, Jungkook. It really is."

Im not sure why this one didn't upload but jere you are!!
posted june.3.24

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