C22- Rotten Apples & Fashion Calls

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"Are you alright, Yoongi?" Hoseok asks, coming almost out much quieter than he expected. Yoongi seemed to be lost in thought, his eyes closed and completely silent. Hoseok began to get worried as he didn't get a response. He shook Yoongi's shoulder to try to get him to open his eyes. Yoongi opened his eyes quickly, staring at Hoseok who looked just as startled.

"Are you okay, Yoongi?" Hoseok repeated again as he rested his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi looked at him confused but then realized he had been spacing out for a while. "Yes I'm perfectly okay!" Yoongi chimed, giving Hoseok a reassuring smile to comfort him.

"I'm glad!" Hoseok smiled back and intertwined their fingers. He glanced at the clock and frowned. It was currently almost 2pm and Hoseok's shoot started soon. As much as he wanted to stay with Yoongi longer, he knew he couldn't. "I have a shoot soon. I wish we could hang out longer but I have to head over to the photographer's studio." Hoseok sighed sadly, resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"You're always welcome to drop by! I'll leave my studio open." Hoseok looked up at Yoongi with pleading eyes. He hoped Yoongi would come by, he loved seeing the other. He didn't exactly know what they were but he cared about Yoongi deeply. Yoongi smiled back and nodded at Hoseok. He also wanted to see Hoseok just as much. He'd never admit that though.

"Alright. I've got to get going now! Let's meet again soon." Hoseok smiled, getting up from where he was previously seated. Yoongi followed him out and they both headed towards the elevator. Inside the elevator it was completely silent, just the occasional hums from Hoseok and taps from Yoongi. Hoseok glanced over at Yoongi and slightly frowned. He seemed to be deep in thought again. He wished he could know what the other was thinking. The elevator dinged, signally they were on the first floor. Hoseok got out first and Yoongi followed him out.

"Ah, I guess this is where we both part." Hoseok smiled as he leaned forward and pecked Yoongi's cheek. "I'll see you soon, yeah?" Hoseok asked, waving at Yoongi as he walked towards his car. "Yeah." Yoongi replied, shaking away his deep thoughts. A small blush appeared on his face, his hand resting over where Hoseok kissed his cheek. "Let's meet again." Yoongi called out, but it was already too late. Hoseok had sped off.
On the way home, Yoongi was in very deep thought. He bit his lip, wincing at the pain he felt. He kicked a rock on the sidewalk, remembering the kiss He and Hoseok had shared previously. 'Maybe it would be a good idea to date him. It could help boost me up even more.' Yoongi thought to himself as he continued walking to his and Namjoons apartment.

'Lots of people like Hoseok. Even I…like Hoseok.' He blushed at his thoughts. Yoongi couldn't like Hoseok, that was the problem. He needed to focus on his goals of getting out there. But Hoseok could help him…couldn't he? Dating Hoseok would allow Yoongi to meet other celebrities and even let him win over the hearts of fans. It seemed Hoseok's fan base liked him too. 'There are more benefits than losses.' Yoongi thought to himself. Plus it's not like Hoseok would find out anyways. So it's a win-win. All Yoongi had to do was win Hoseok over. It couldn't be that hard, could it? Hoseok was a nice and accepting person, he would let Hoseok fall for him.

Yoongi smiled to himself as he arrived at his apartment. Maybe this would be the answer to all these mysterious feelings he was feeling for the younger one. Yoongi opened the door and called out to Namjoon. He waited for a response but no one seemed to answer. "He must be at the studio." Yoongi shrugged off, going into the kitchen.

Yoongi went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple from a bowl they had on one of their shelves. It looked very sweet and juicy, which made Yoongi happy. He took a bite and furrowed his eyebrows in complete disgust. "How long has this apple been sitting there? Gross." Yoongi grimaced and spit out the apple. The inside of the apple was rotten, no color at all. He tossed the apple into the trash and began looking through the fridge for something else to eat. He was very confused on why the apple tasted so bad but looked like the most stunning out of the others. "Weird." Yoongi muttered as he grabbed some milk and cereal.

He took out a bowl from the cabinet and placed it on the counter. He poured his cereal into the bowl and added his milk. "I should really get back into writing more in my diary. I need to come up with a solid plan for this to work." Yoongi frowned, taking out a spoon from a drawer and mixing around his cereal.

Yoongi went to his room to look for his diary. Time to start planning.
Once Hoseok got home he began frantically rushing to change his outfit. It may have been okay for him to dress casually with Yoongi, but he knew how picky his photographers were. He slipped on a pair of jeans and a turtle neck black sweater. It has been getting pretty chilly these days. He tucked it into his jeans and secured it with a Louis Vuitton belt that shimmered. He quickly curled his hair and styled his shirt with chains and necklaces. He fluffed up his hair and added a little lip tint to make his lips shine brightly.

He slipped on shoes that complemented his outfit and rushed out the door. He checked the time on his phone and sighed in relief. It was only 2:45pm, he still had time to get there. Hopefully everything will go as planned. As soon as he arrived at the place he was rushed in by one of his managers and ushered into the set room where his costume and makeup artist was waiting for him. He smiled brightly as his eyes landed on Eunji, he had to tell her about what had been going on.

May 7.2024

OKAY. GUYS!!! HI. IT IS I...CYN. Coming at you with a quad update????? I lowkey forgot to post last week so please enjoy a quad updatez i love you guys :3

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