C7 - Crash hour and demons

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Hoseok wasn't sure when or how he got home- nearing it 9 am when the male realized he was in his bedroom- must’ve been management must have assisted him in getting home. Oh, how appreciative he was of his staff. They were among the most helpful and friendly individuals. Of course, that was their responsibility, but they always went above and beyond.

Although it hadn't always been that way, the staff wasn't the best when he initially began out as a pre-debuted artist. Of course, they were performing their jobs, but it seemed like all they wanted was to get through the day. They didn't seem to genuinely take interest in their jobs. Tasks were frequently only half completed, forcing Hoseok to go back and finish what was missing. He had to worry about contacting music shows, finishing weekly schedules, and many other things that weren't his responsibility.

Fortunately, he had a new management team that was much better when he made his formal debut. Staff members came and went over the years. Of course it was disappointing to see such wonderful people go, but he was aware that there were various other possibilities out there for each person.


It had taken a couple of hours for Hoseoks to self regulate, the first priority had been to get rid of the aching in his head. Afterwards showering and making a decent breakfast ao his stomach wouldn't rumble. When creating the schedule, he had given himself the day off after the party as he knew there'd be a lot of drinking and it would've worn him out without any kind of break. He was thankful of his past self for that decision.

He was in his bed now, wearing red oversized shorts and a white T-shirt, nothing fancy. Just sometimes comfortable while no one was around. Pulling up instagram, his feed was filled with people posting about the party, many of them being tagged in, others had pictures with other celebrities. While he was thinking about it, he tapped the little plus button at the bottom of his screen. He had taken plenty of pictures throughout out the night, he just picked ten at random, making sure to tag everyone accept-

Yoongi. It was a great picture of them together, the other male practically glowing, he had the brightest smile, definitely looked drunk as hell but Hoseok thought it was cute. He smiled softly and rubbed his finger over his phone for a second before snapping over it. A little embarrassed by that, he moved on, finishing with tagging everyone. He figured he'd be able to find Yoongi's instagram account and tag him later on.

He didn't have the mint hair boy's number yet- he knew he had given it to him last night but he had yet to receive a text from him. Maybe if he glanced through his followers - No, that would take way too long. He had at least 46 million followers. That would be a lifetime of scrolling. Maybe one of his friends had a picture with him? No, that was unlikely. Yoongi said he wasn't a celebrity and didn't really know anyone at the party. Why would anyone know his instagram account? Then it finally clicked. Namjoon! Of course! They were literally best friends and roommates. Of course Yoongi and Namjoon would follow each other.

So, hoseok typed in Namjoon's account (@Rkive) he always thought that was a super cool name. He glanced through the posts, ending up having to scroll for a little while to actually find a picture with Yoongi. It dated back to 2021, Yoongi had short brown hair. He looked almost completely different. He clicked on the tagged button and it brought up the account he had been looking for.

'agustd' was the account name, huh, interesting name, he thought to himself. He clicked the blue follow button. A small smile was plastered on his face as he scrolled through Yoongi's account. There were pictures with his friends and others that looked to be taken In a studio. Hoseok came across a real, clicking on the unite button, sound came out, it seemed to be a trap beat with a Korean instrument playing along. It was nothing like he had heard before. The caption simply said, "Haegeum 해금" He figured that was what the song meant.

Out of interest, he pulled up naver dictionary to look up the word. It had been one that he had never heard before. Hoseok clicked on the first one, the website giving two meanings.

해금- traditional Korean string instrument, resembling a vertical fiddle with two strings; derived from the ancient Chinese xiqin.
해금- allowing/ unlocking something that was forbidden.

Using context clues, he figured that the instrument playing was a haegeum but the song was probably also going to be allowing something that had been once forbidden. Just by seeing that, Hoseok was very impressed. Over the next hour, he searched YouTube and soundcloud, trying to find some source to hear more of the music. Seemed like it was almost all unreleased. That was unfortunate. Luckily he did find some more demos through his profile. He hoped one day that Yoongi would post more of his music. He had a feeling Yoongi would be able to make it big with music like that.

Later into the night, Hoseok had received a text message glancing over the text, it read, “Hey Hoseok! It's Yoongi. I don’t know if you remember me but…I was at your party with Namjoon. I really enjoyed talking to you and playing Beer Pong..LOL. Maybe we could hang out sometime?” Hoseok chuckled at the text, finding it cute.

He added Yoongi's name to his contact list and replied, 'Hey Yoongi! Wahh you should've texted me earlier, I had all of today off '□' This next week I'm actually pretty busy…but for the time being you can keep texting. You'll be the first to know when I've got a free day again. And also! I had lots of fun last night too! You seem like a super cool guy! I hope we can get to know each other ^■^’

1,031 words
July 16, 2023
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