C14-haul & dash

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Once Hoseok arrived home, he threw his bags to the side and immediately went straight for his bed. He groaned as he felt the soft sheets engulf his body fully. He was truly exhausted from the long day with Yoongi. He was completely worn out from all the fun they had together that day. Hoseok sat up and lazily headed for his dresser drawer. He pulled out a pair of pajama bottoms and a shirt and stripped out of his clothes. He quickly put on the more comfortable clothes and hit his bed.

As soon as he hit his bed, he was out like a lightbulb. He would worry about his bags from shopping later. All that mattered was his stomach was stuffed and his eyes were filled with sleeping fatigue. That night, Hoseok had one of the best sleeps he had ever had in a long time. His dreams consisted of a certain boy who made his heart beat faster than 100mph.

Min Yoongi.

Later the next day, Hoseok decided to go live. He hadn't been live in a hot minute and always got comments from his fans to live stream more. It was his free day after all and he did miss the fans..plus he didn't have much planned for later that day anyways. He opened up his laptop and turned it on. He waited a couple minutes for it to load before he went onto instagram and logged in. He began setting up for the stream before he started it. A bunch of fans flooded in at once and began commenting rapidly. They all were excited to see Hoseok streaming again.

Hoseok's eyes scanned over each and every message that flooded across his screen. Well, he tried to at least. The chat was going very quickly as many more of his fans were coming in by the second. "Ah, it seems we have more viewers! Hello!" Hoseok let out a small smile, stretching his arms above his head. He let out small grunts as the bones cracked. "How have you guys been?" He asks, turning on the slowed comments setting button. "Always good to hear." He chuckled as he read a bunch of comments replying "good." "I've been good as well, guys. These past few weeks have actually gone by so quickly but they were honestly the best by far that I've had since trainee days."

Hoseok scooted his chair closer to the computer screen and clicked a few buttons. He scrolled through some of the comments, laughing at a few that contained memes. "Sunshine.hope says, 'you should listen to the song half of my heart by Josh Makazo! It's super good.'" Hoseok read aloud, nodding his head in agreement. "I'll have to check it out very soon!" He smiled widely at the screen as he went onto the next comment. "Noturmoon says, 'ootd??'" Hoseok stood up and showed the stream his outfit that he was wearing. He wore comfy red plaid pajama bottoms and an oversized gray shirt. "Sorry guys! No fashion today, just coziness." He chuckled again as he looked through more comments. A small red hue landed on his cheeks when he read the comments about Yoongi. He rubbed the back of his neck, almost stopping instantly as he saw a familiar username. "Hi Yoongi!" Hoseok smiled, waving at the camera. "By the way you guys are reacting i'm assuming you already know Yoongi." He teased his audience as he leaned back into his chair. "Make sure you guys check him out! He's such a good songwriter." Hoseok smiled again when he spoke about the certain mint haired boy.

"I'll give you guys a haul! I recently went to the mall with a good friend of mine and we bought a lot." Hoseok smiled as he picked up some of the bags from the mall he and Yoongi went to yesterday. "I got a bunch of new clothes and accessories I can't wait to style and show you guys." Hoseok said as he began pulling out random items from his bag including: shirts (mostly all from the same brand but just different colors,) some new jeans, a few new rings, and a bracelet. Hoseok shuffled through the bag, his eyes landing on the picture that he and Yoongi took together. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over it and smiled.

More comments flooded in once they saw that their idols face had shifted into a wide grin. Hoseok was practically blushing as the fans urged him to show the item to the screen. He quickly shook his head in response, a sheepish smile replacing his wide one as he tried to hide his shyness. "No,no! Guys! Mickey was just being silly." Hoseok said and quickly picked up his dog to show the camera to distract them from what had previously happened.

'Whew, that was close.' He thought to himself, taking the picture and putting it on the wall beside him. He smiled at the two silly facial expressions in the picture that he and Yoongi made. He lost track of time. Realizing he had been staring at the picture too long, he looked back at the screen. Many comments were asking him 'what happened' and 'are you ok?' Hoseok smiled at the fans reassuringly as he tapped his fingers together against the hard wooden table. He pretended to yawn, his face to red to hide from how many comments were asking about He and Yoongi's relationship.

He looked back at his clock on the wall and then back at his screen. "Welp guys, it's getting late! I better head to bed. Thank you for joining my stream tonight and make sure you rest well or have a happy rest of your day!" He cheered as he waved at the screen, throwing in his signature heart-shaped smile. The chat flooded with a bunch of 'no's' and 'bye! rest well's.' Hoseok turned off his screen and flopped onto his bed, face first. He turned off his lights and closed his eyes, drifting to a deep slumber.

Hoseok opened his eyes to his phone dinging constantly with what seemed like no end. He groaned and opened instagram to see he had been tagged in a post. He read over the user and a smile immediately replaced his scowl. He double tapped to like the post—a picture of the two of them they had taken together at the mall the other day.

A bunch of comments flooded his feed, some nicer than others. He frowned at the mean ones fans had left for Yoongi and reported most of them. Overall there was a lot of support for the post and he saw Yoongi's follower count shoot up rapidly. Hoseok shared the post to his story and tagged the mint haired boy, even adding a small smiley face to the post before he clicked 'add to story.' Hoseok smiled to himself, rereading some of the comments under the post. He clicked on a couple and even replied to a few he felt stood out to him.

Hobiloverxo: So this must be Yoongi! Omgomgomg you are so adorable!
Hopeworldlvr: OMG THAT IS SO CUTE!! When's the wedding guys 👩‍✈️
Hoperighthere: Holy shit that's agustd!!! His music goes hard man (:
Hoseokslove: He's not even that great..
Uarmyhope: That's not a very kind thing to say.
Possiblyyoonseok: like the name guys?
Uarmyhope: 💜
Jhopehasmyheart: love this guy so much already! He makes hobi smile!!!
Agustds#1fan: you guys...I just became this guys number one fan.
Jungkook.97: you're doing great Yoongi!
Namjoonslostwallet: what are you doing here Jungkook 😨
Jungkook.97: @Rkive, I found your lost wallet.

view all 10,000+ comments

Hoseok tossed his phone to the side, his cheeks a little puffy from the scowl on his face. Some of the fans were quite brutal to Yoongi and he felt terrible for it. He grabbed his phone once again and opened his and Yoongi's chat. "Hey! When are you free next? There's this cute dog place near where I live and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" Hoseok typed, pressing the send button almost immediately. He really hoped to see the older one again. He missed him.

posted april 14th, 2024

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