C10 - late night calls & malls.

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When Hoseok arrived home from dinner with Yoongi, he flopped onto his bed. He was very exhausted as it had been a very long night out, and he wasn’t used to going out much. He enjoyed every second of it, though, a fond smile tugging at his lips as he remembered their conversation. Yoongi and him seemed to click almost instantly. Even though it was very awkward and quiet at first—they got comfortable very quickly. The whole night was filled with dumb jokes and loud laughter, Hoseok honestly couldn’t ask for a better night.

Hoseok groaned, food fatigue hitting him hard. They must have put some kind of drug in that pasta. It had no reason being that good. Hoseok rubbed his stomach to soothe it in a way. The company was very strict about what he could and couldn’t eat when it came to his harsh dance practices and shoots. It wouldn’t hurt if they didn’t know, right? He decided not to worry about it. He could always deal with it later. Hoseok rolled over onto his side and grabbed his phone, seeing the mint haired boy texted him. He smiled and rolled over again as he clicked the text message from Yoongi.

The message read, ‘Hey Hoseok! Tonight was fun. We’ll have to do it again sometime.xx (:’ Hoseok smiled as he read over the message, running his hand through his hair. He thought for a moment about what to reply back with. He really did want to see Yoongi again, but with his tight schedule, he didn’t know if he had time. Maybe he could ask his manager to give him another break soon. He could definitely use one, plus then he could have an excuse to hang out with him. Hoseok began tapping away at his phone, occasionally pushing back his hair that was falling in front of his eyes. ‘Note to self: get a haircut soon.’ He thought to himself as he pushed send.

‘Tonight was very fun. Yes, let's hang out as soon as possible!  ^■^’ Hoseok scanned over the message he just sent, grabbing his hair frustratingly. “Was that too direct? What if I scared him off. Aghhh!” Hoseok exclaimed, pulling at his hair—a worried look filling his face. He was about to send another text message, but the older one beat him to it. Hoseok facial features retracted back to a relaxed state once he saw that Yoongi replied. A simple Can’t wait (:’ was enough to make his heart swell. What was this boy doing to him?

Weeks had passed, and the two were practically attached at the hip..well, not literally. They texted every day when they were both free, basically lived and breathed eachothers company. Hoseok didn’t mind, though. He was already very fond of Yoongi and loved talking to him. He spent all of his breaks texting the older when he could—even sending random memes when he couldn’t.

They hadn’t really called at all, but that all was going to change tonight. Hoseok decided to call Yoongi, and he honestly missed the mint haired boy's voice so much. It was deep and calm with a soothing undertone that made Hoseok feel safe. He couldn’t really explain. If someone  were to ask him why, he probably would just say that Yoongi was easy to talk to. Hoseok dialed his number and let the phone ring. It buzzed once. Twice. And then someone on the other line answered the phone.

“Hello..” Hoseok called out to the other on the phone, brushing his hair back with his hand. It was silent on the other line. Only the sound of shuffling could be heard. Hoseok was about to say hello again, but a rough voice stopped him. “Hello.” Yoongi answered back, grogginess very evident by the way he was speaking. “Did you just wake up?” Hoseok laughed and looked up at the clock, “it’s only 9pm.” More shuffling was heard on the other end of the phone.

“Maybe.” Yoongi mumbled into the phone. Hoseok swore his heart skipped a beat a little bit. He shook away his thoughts, “Ah, sorry for waking you!” He bit his lip, holding back a grin that was growing harder and harder to hold back. “No, no, no!” Yoongi was quick to reassure him, causing Hoseok to giggle. “Cute.” He mumbled under his breath at the olders' franticness. “What was that?” Yoongi asked, unable to hear him from how quiet he was speaking. “Huh? Oh, I said cool.” Hoseok lied, a slight blush coating his cheeks. He was so glad Yoongi couldn’t see him right now.

“Oh. So why’d you call?” Yoongi asked, tapping his fingers together. “Ah! I wanted to see if you were free tomorrow. Maybe we could hang out or something?” Hoseok said, crossing his fingers and hoping he was free. “I’d like that.” The male answered back. Hoseok practically jumped out of his chair in excitement. He quickly regained his composure, coughing a bit. “Then it’s settled. I’ll text you the details for tomorrow. Goodnight, Yoon!” Hoseok smiled, getting ready to hang up. “Goodnight Hoseok. Let's call again soon, yeah.” Yoongi chuckled on the other end. “Yeah.” Hoseok blushed, hanging up the phone.

As soon as the line fell dead, Hoseok grabbed his pillow and screamed into it. He was very happy. He couldn’t wait to see Yoongi again. He couldn’t really explain this excitement, but he liked it, whatever it was. He texted the location to Yoongi and the time to meet up before tossing his phone to the side. Hoseok sighed contentedly as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Tomorrow seemed so far away yet so close at the same time.

It was currently 12 pm, and the two had agreed to meet at the mall at 1:30 pm, giving Hoseok exactly an hour and thirty minutes to get ready and head over to the mall. He dug through his closet and pulled out some skinny jeans and a sweatshirt. It was supposed to be getting chilly later that day anyway. He brought the clothes with him into the bathroom, stripping completely. He discarded his pajamas as he entered the tub. The water was warm and bubbly—just how Hoseok liked it. He relaxed into the water as he began cleaning himself. Once he was done, he slipped on a clean pair of boxers and put on his outfit. He started brushing his hair while he looked for some jewelry to wear. He wanted to be simple today. He chose a chain necklace and some hoop earrings and put them on. He brushed back his hair and slipped on his shoes. He looked in the mirror before he left and smiled at himself. He looked good.

He walked out of the door and called for an Uber. He could’ve just taken his own car, but he wanted to ride in an Uber today. Once he arrived at the mall, he took out his phone and texted Yoongi. He checked the time just to make sure he wasn’t late or too early. The clock read 1:28. He was a bit early, but it was better to be early than late, so he didn’t mind.

‘Hey, I’ll meet you at the food court!’ Hoseok tapped send as he started walking inside the mall. He hadn’t been to one of these since he was little. When it came to clothes, his staff usually shopped for him, or he would shop online. Hoseok walked over to the food court—that nostalgic pretzel smell hitting his nose as soon as he got closer to it. His eyes lit up as he walked closer. He chose a small booth in the corner of the court, hoping Yoongi would be able to find him. He couldn’t wait till he arrived.


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July 22, 2023

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