C32- stargazing & sudden confessions

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A little after 20 minutes Hoseok finally arrived at the location they were having their date. To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He was beyond terrified. He took a deep breath before he got out of his car and wiped the sweat from his hands on his pants. Hoseok quickly tried to fix up his hair and add some last minute final touches. He wanted to look perfect for Yoongi, No. He wanted to BE perfect for Yoongi.

Hoseok checked the time on his phone one last time and quickened his pace. He didn't want to be late but he knew even if he was late Yoongi wouldn't mind. 'Ah, Yoongi.' Hoseok smiled to himself and started looking around for said Mint haired boy. He smiled again once he spotted Yoongi waving his arms to get his attention. "You're here!" Yoongi exclaimed and got up to hug him. Hoseok happily hugged him back tightly. Hoseok pulled back and took a look at the sight before him. He was in pure awe, it looked absolutely amazing and it seemed like Yoongi spent a lot of time making it look perfect. Hoseok's heart swelled with joy and so much admiration and adoration for the quiet mint haired boy.

Yoongi took his hand and urged him to sit down with him. "You did all this for me?" Hoseok asked, sitting down across from Yoongi. The picnic blanket they were on was under a big oak tree that was slightly parted to where the stars shined ever so brightly through the leaves. There were fairy lights hanging from the branches to light up the spot and make it even more magical along with candles that smelled like a soothing ocean breeze. It was perfect, all of it was.

"Well of course. You are very special to me, Hoseok." Yoongi shyly confessed, taking out some of the food he had brought from the picnic basket. Hoseok's mouth was in complete awe when he pulled out the assortment of foods. It looked all so carefully thought of and most importantly it looked like it was made with love. His cheeks were completely flushed at Yoongi's comment. He felt so important, so worthy, and so special.

"Yoongi, that's so sweet of you. Truly." Hoseok took out the drinks he had brought from his bag. His eyes sparkled under the starlight, Yoongi taking note of the younger's ethereal beauty. Yoongi could've sworn his heart turned into a puddle when Hoseok looked back at him, his eyes wide and sparkling. "Shall we eat?" Hoseok quickly said to distract himself. Anything to get his heart to stop doing gymnastics was a great distraction. Yoongi nodded and took out some plates for the two and handed one to Hoseok. "I hope you like it. It isn't much.." Yoongi said as Hoseok filled up his plate with various fruits and a couple sandwiches.

Yoongi waited with anticipation as Hoseok took the first bite. He had already gotten his own food but he was eager for others to try his food. Something about Hoseok's approval made Yoongi want to try harder with everything. Hoseok took a bite of his food and let the taste sink in. He kept quiet as he chewed on his food, finally swallowing it. It was perfect. The taste was something so amazing that Hoseok had never tasted before. The different flavors practically melted on his tongue but somehow molded together to create something so unique and different that he had never had.

"Yoongi…that was amazing." Hoseok practically moaned out as he took another bite. Yoongi smiled happily and felt relieved that Hoseok liked what he made. "You have talent." Hoseok continued munching on the delicious food. "A talent at sandwich making?" Yoongi teased, chuckling as he finally took a bite of his own sandwich. "Not just that. Music too." Hoseok explained, biting into some of the juicy fruit he had picked. "I really mean it. You have something special about you, Min Yoongi. Something that many lack." Hoseok smiled and took a sip of some of the wine he brought.

Yoongi played with his fingers, twirling them around each otherâ€"hid eyes glued to the ground. That meant the world to him that Hoseok himself thought Yoongi was special. His heart began to beat faster, his face completely flushed. "You really think so?" Yoongi looked up at Hoseok, reaching for his own cup of wine. Hoseok chuckled at Yoongi's question and smiled at him. "I know so."

Hoseok set his wine glass aside and laid on his back, looking up at the sky. Yoongi soon joined him, curious to see what the other was looking at. "Don't they look beautiful?" Hoseok smiled as he lifted his finger up to trace the silhouettes of the stars. "Yeah, they do." Yoongi whispered, his gaze focused on the way Hoseok's features lit up from the moonlight and shifted here and there while he was staring at the stars. His eyes reflected the shiny stars in the sky, leaving Yoongi in awe. Hoseok finally looked back at Yoongi and smiled at him, intertwining their hands together.

"Oh! Yoongi look. A shooting star! Quick, make a wish." Hoseok exclaimed, closing his eyes quickly and furrowing his eyebrows. Yoongi chuckled and followed along with the other antics. He shut his eyes and waited a couple seconds before he opened them. "So, what did you wish for?" He asked as he stared at Hoseok who just opened his eyes. "I'd tell you, but then it won't come true." Hoseok lazily smiled and rested his hands behind his head.

"I didn't wish for anything." Yoongi smiled and squeezed Hoseok's hand gently. "Everything I've ever wanted is here with me. I'd do anything for it." Yoongi mumbled the last part and kissed Hoseok's knuckles. Hoseok blushed brightly and smiled back at Yoongi, his head clouded with so many thoughts. Yoongi let out a contented sigh of relief and looked up at the stars once again. 'Fame here I come.' He thought to himself, unconsciously smirking.

"Hoseok, I need to tell you something." Yoongi sat up and pulled at Hoseok's hand. Hoseok sat up with Yoongi with a concerned face. Whatever the older one wanted to say seemed very important and urgent. "Hoseok, I like you and I want to be your boyfriend." Yoongi cupped Hoseok's face and eagerly pecked his lips. Hoseok was stunned at his sudden confession and a little confused. He liked Yoongi a lot but this didn't seem right to him.

"I would love to be your boyfriend Yoongi." 'But it seems too soon.' He wanted to say. Yoongi smiled and pecked Hoseok's lips once more to seal it in. Hoseok kissed back, his hands resting behind Yoongi's neck. He had a weird feeling inside his stomach that made him frown slightly. Something didn't seem right at all. He figured it was just his nerves talking so he brushed it off. He hadn't ever been in a relationship before so all this was new. 'It's whatever. Maybe this is normal and I'm overthinking it. Yoongi is my boyfriend. 'Hoseok smiled to reassure himself. 'Right, Yoongi is my boyfriend.'

posted July 10, 2024.

Hi all! Sorry for the lack of posts these days. I fear it will only get worse as school is coming up for me. I will try to finish up Chaser soon! Please excuse these very slow posts and updates. Thank you for being very patient and please enjoy Chapter 32.


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