C2- vampire dens & parties

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Here's a playlist that was created to go along with this fic!
"But Namjoon.." The older boy whines out as he chukes a pillow at his best friend and roommate, Namjoon. "I really want to go to the party. There will be a ton of influencers and celebrities, and maybe I can even get myself out there." Tonight, J-hope was having a promotional party for his newest album 'Jack in the Box.' Yoongi hadn't even heard of the guy that was hosting the party, but any chance to hang out with celebrities and influencers he would take. He always dreamed of getting out into the world and making it big. He aspired to work under the music industry and create his own masterpieces-work that would win even grammys maybe. His roommate Namjoon also agreed that the older one had an eye for pitch. Namjoon was in the music industry, but he wasn't well known. He had a couple thousand listeners, which helped him get in touch with some other celebrities.

Yoongi craved attention of any sort for his work. He had so many songs that were saved to his drafts, never to be seen by the world. He hoped by persuading Namjoon to let him go to the party that he would be able to get closer to celebrities who could boost him up. It doesn't hurt to be selfish once in a while, right? No. "I'll have to see if Hoseok doesn't mind. He shouldn't, though. He's a very good guy." Namjoon said with a small smile on his face. Yoongi was ecstatic and couldn't wait for tonight.
A couple hours later, Namjoon came bursting into the older boys' room with excitement, very evident on his face. "YOONGI! Hoseok said plus ones are perfectly fine.""" Namjoon smiles widely,pulling at the half asleep boy. Yoongi groans and stuffs his face into his pillow to try to fall back asleep. To his luck, Namjoon goes over to the dimly lit window and pulls the curtain back with one quick swipe. Yoongi hisses out, frantically pulling the blanket over his head. "It's like a vampire den in here. What is this, the 1800s?" Namjoon scolded as he opened the blinds. Yoongi kicked his feet in frustration on the bed in hopes that Namjoon would leave him be. Much to his disappointment, it seemed like the younger wasn't leaving anytime soon. "What do you want?" He spits, his grogginess very clear in his tone. Namjoon paid no mind and began looking through Yoongi's closet.

"Alright, vampire, get up and get moving. The party is in a couple of hours, and you need to get dressed and take a shower. You smell." Namjoon chuckles as he tosses some dress pants and decent dress shirts at Yoongi. Yoongi gets up and stretches his arms, looking at the floor to let his eyes readjust. "I'm going, I'm going!" He grumbled, getting up and scratching the back of his head. Yoongi closes the door behind him and strips. When the water is just right, he gets in-his shoulders slouching and muscles relaxing once they hit the warm water. Yoongi let out a small sigh, his grogginess subsiding once he got used to the water. He runs his fingers through his hair to let the suds lather into his fading green locks. He'd have to get Namjoon to help him dye his hair after.

Yoongi wrapped a towel around his waist and used another to dry his hair as he opened the door. Namjoon was no longer there and had instead gone to his own room to get ready. He went to his closet to look for something to wear in the meantime instead. He decided on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. He slipped on his boxers and soon after the rest of his clothes. He went to his bed to look at the clothes options that Namjoon had left him for the party. He looked through the different styled dress shirts and dress pants-his eyes raking over every detail. He smiled as he reached the last set of clothes; it consisted of black dress pants and a black button-up that had silver sparkle lining.

He ended up choosing some black dress shoes to go with the outfit as well as some hoop earrings and a necklace to finish off the outfit completely. Once he was done setting out his outfit, he went to Namjoons room to ask him for help with dyeing his hair. He hoped that it would be done before the party started.

"Yoongi! Hold still. You're moving too much." Namjoon scolded as he tried to get the dye all over the olders' hair without him moving for the 500th time in an hour. "It's literally almost time for the party, and we still haven't finished dyeing your hair." He groaned with frustration as he finally finished lathering the dye on the olders' hair. Yoongi couldn't help moving. He was practically bouncing in his seat. To say he was excited for this party was an understatement. He was beyond thrilled to be able to jump at a chance like this.

After many scowls from Namjoon and many attempts to get the dye out of Yoongi's hair, they were finally finished. Yoongi smiled widely as he looked at his newly dyed mint green hair. Yoongi thanked Namjoon and practically ran to his room to get ready. He threw off his sweats and t-shirt, discarding them somewhere in the room-He'd worry about that later. He slid on his pants, wincing at how tight they were. Beauty is pain, so Yoongi didn't mind, though. The pants were a tight fit, each curve and line seen. He added a belt to spice it up and cinch his waist even more than what the pants were already doing.

Yoongi slipped on his button-up shirt, undoing the first three buttons so his collarbone was on full display. The shirt was very loose compared to the pants and gave the perfect balance. He brushed his hair, even curling some of the ends. He put in his earring and latched the small silver necklace on his neck. He finished off the look by adding a little lip tint to his lips. He sprayed for cologne along the opening on his shirt that had a very calming mint and woodsy scent. Once he finished up his look, he slipped on his dress shoes and headed to the living room to meet Namjoon.

Namjoon soon joined him with his phone in hand as he was calling an Uber to pick them up. Namjoon was wearing a blue dress shirt that was somewhat similar to Yoongi's but had fewer details. Compared to Yoongi's, Namjoons was much tighter and hugged his muscular build. He wasn't wearing any jewelry like Yoongi was, but Namjoon still looked good. He had a natural glow to him that made him appealing. Namjoons hair was slicked back, his undercut on full display. Somehow, the way the light reflected on his black hair made him stand out even more. "I just called an Uber to pick us up. They should be here very shortly." Namjoon says, finally glancing up from his phone and looking at Yoongi. "You clean up nice." He teases, earning himself a smack from the mint haired boy.

At 6:45, the Uber arrived at the boys' shared apartment. Yoongi and Namjoon left once they got the notification that the driver was waiting for them. Yoongi slipped his hand into Namjoons, swinging it back and forth as they walked down the stairs to the front of the building. He often held Namjoon's hand when they went places. Call it a habit or whatever, but they just genuinely felt comfortable with each other. Namjoon didn't seem to mind either when he did this.

They both got into the small vehicle, telling the driver the location of the party in the process. During the drive to the party, it was silent, leaving Yoongi to get lost in thought. He was curious. Namjoon hadn't mentioned much about the boy holding the party besides that he was a well-known rapper. He decided to break the silence and ask Namjoon more about this guy. "So...How do you know J-hope?" Yoongi asked, hoping he got the rapper's name right. Namjoon glanced up from his phone and smiled. "Hoseok was my best friend in high school before I moved to Seoul. He was honestly one of my biggest inspirations when it came to music. The boy spent practically hours upon hours in his studio making tracks." Namjoon grinned, reminiscing about his high school days. "I was a freshman at the time, and to me.. it was very admirable." Yoongi noticed how Namjoons eyes sparkled when he mentioned Hoseok, almost like he was some sort of hero to him. Yoongi nodded in agreement as Namjoon continued sharing happy memories about him and Hoseok. To Yoongi, this Hoseok guy didn't seem that bad. Before Yoongi could get in a single word or question about J-Hope, the driver stopped abruptly. "You've arrived at your destination." The driver spoke, his accent thick and strong-he must've not been from Seoul.

"Welp, this is us." Namjoon said, opening the door for the both of them to get. He paid the driver and bowed to thank him for the ride. Once the driver left, he looked back at Yoongi. "Are you ready?" He asks with a grin. "Ready as I'll ever be." Yoongi sighed, placing his hand in Namjoons once more. This was going to be an eventful night for the both of them.

1,602 words
July 6th, 2023
Hi!! I wanted to mention that this fic is based on two songs. One called Mania by Aaryan shah and the second called Clout Chaser by Tiffany Day. I'd recommend listening to those songs to get a better understanding of where the inspiration was drawn from!

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