I tried to add a couple more links here, but WP isn't letting me, so please check my MB. 😉😊
I was planning to do this one soon, so I just went ahead with it when I was suitably inspired. 😉
The girls when they were younger, back in the OtHeR rEaLm. (Be glad I didn't draw in any animal skulls or anything in the background.) 😬
Ava making a tasty batch of rock vole stew, Rhea sneakily stealing a cookie and spoiling her appetite for dinner, and Emily being generally disappointed in the Illusionist, as per usual. :P
Maybe I'll color it in and add more detail later. 🤷♀️
I made it kind of a Lego/realistic fusion style this time.
Look at the LeGo HaNdS!
And FeEt!
Their HeAdS!
It's rebrickulous!!!
The inspo. I thought I'd mess around with different art styles, so I used this as a jumping off point. I changed some things, but it's still recognizable. 😁😊
Ginger's Not-just-a-Ninjago-quotebook
Random*Casually switches to this quotebook, because the previous one gave my brother too much attention* Oh, yes. I am very cruel. :P A book in which anything can happen, so be prepared for mayhem in these (albeit virtual) pages. There'll be a L...