Chapter 2

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Can finished the last box from his room before looking around, this room held a lot of good memories and some bad but mostly good. He was definitely going to miss this room. He went over to where his graduation cap and gown hung to look at it, graduation day was finally here and he was excited to finally be done with high school and move on to better things.

He then went to where he set his dress shirt and pants and his tie and quickly changed into them before putting on his cap and gown. He went to his bathroom and brushed his hair and cleaned his face he was careful to avoid his black eye before he moved on to putting medicine on his split lip. He headed downstairs after that to the living room where his parents were finishing up the packing, his parents smiled when they saw him.

"My baby is graduating." His mother said as tears filled her eyes.

"Don't cry Mom"

"Too late for that" his dad said as they watched tears slide down her cheeks as she moved to hug Can.

"We should get going before we are late." His dad said after she was done hugging the crap out of Can and taking pictures of him.

Can got into his car since his parents car was full of boxes so he couldn't sit in the back. He followed his parents to the school where the graduation was to take place, it was also where someone was to either volunteer or be chosen to go to the mansion and be claimed by one of the six remaining demons that lived there. He was determined to leave before the voting began he just knew that something fishy was going on when after the beating he got this morning, Jacob looked at him and smirked saying see you at the ceremony and don't be late.

He had told his parents what had happened when he got home and they agreed that they needed to leave, they wanted to leave right then and there but Can knew he needed to get his diploma for his college applications. They decided right after he had his diploma in his hand that they would leave out the back and drive away from this horrible place.

After they finally found a parking spot they all parked in space a few cars from each other before they headed inside. The graduation ceremony was long but finally his name was called which was towards the end. Once he got his diploma he immediately left the stage and when everyone wasn't paying attention he made a break for the back doors. The moment his hand touched the door handle he was immediately ripped away from it.

"Where do you think you are going?" A sinister voice said.

"Get the fuck off me!!" He yelled frantically trying to get away. It was Jacob.

"You are going to miss the vote if you leave." He said.

"That's the point, asshole" he said as he was being carried towards the stage.

"But I insist you stay" he said as Can tried but failed to get away. Can was thrown in front of everyone on the stage as the mayor asked if anyone would like to volunteer.

"Let my son go, you piece of shit." Can's dad said standing up from the crowd.

"Shut up old man" Jacob said. Can kicked him in the balls before jumping up and making a run for the backstage exit door. He was hit in the back of the head from behind once he made it outside before everything went dark.

Can awoke to a woman screaming and noticed he was being carried over someone's shoulder. The woman was his mother who from what he could see was being restrained along with his father by two buff dudes. Can tried to struggle but he was no match for Jacob. He did feel liquid running down his face and realized that he was bleeding and his head hurt.

"CAN!!!" His mother shouted.

"LET MY MOTHER GO YOU JACKASS!!" He yelled at Jacob's groupies.

"Once you are through the gates then they will gladly let your trashy mother and father go."

"What the fuck did I ever do to you!!" Can yelled trying hard not to break down crying.

"Nothing, I just don't like you"

"I was going to leave so you won't have to see me again." He said.

"You can say that watching your happiness fade away brings me join."

"You are a fucking asshole and I swear I will get my revenge."

"Yeah right" he said before he got to the entrance of the gate. Can heard the gate open and then was thrown through the gate to his mother and father's screams. Jacob just laughed before telling him to have a nice life freak before his groupies let Can's parents go. His parents rushed to the gate but it swung closed and they didn't dare touch the gate.

"Can, are you okay?" His father asked. Can was trying to pick himself up but ended up having to use the gate which was warm to the touch.

"Talk to us" his mother said.

"I'm okay, my head hurts but I'm okay." Can said once he was on his feet.

"We will find away to get you out we won't leave you here." His mother said.

"It's no use, they won't let me leave because of the contract." Can said sounding defeated.

"I don't give a damn about a contract I'm not leaving you here." His dad said.

"Go to Bangkok, have a good life and forget about me." Can said before turning and making his way to the stairs. He ignored his parents pleas to come back as he made it to the front door. He really didn't want to go inside but he knew that it was his only choice and it felt like the house was calling to him. It may be his only choice but that doesn't mean he'll go along with the demon trying to bed him or make him fall in love with him.

He was terrified as he opened the door and walked in, shock filled him at how modern the inside look compared to the outside. It looked like it came out of a billionaire's mansion.

"Can?" A familiar voice said making him look over to see ten pair of eyes on him. It was Team who said it but he was more freaked out at how normal all the demons looked.

"What the fuck happened to you!?!?" Type said standing. He looked different but Can couldn't focus on that as one of the demons stood up looking pissed. Can started to panic as the guy was walking towards him, the combination of pain and fear was too much as his eyes rolled up into his head and his body began to fall back. All he heard before darkness took him was everyones screaming his name.

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