Chapter 12

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I hope you guys don't think the story is too rushed with these time jumps but I swear there is a point to it. Also ignore the windows in the picture.

Three Months Later

Tin watched as Can slept and smiled to himself, these past three months had been the most interesting for him with Can's mood swings, morning sickness, horniness and cravings for weird food. He was right now in a regular pregnancy five months pregnant and his belly was round with their child.

After finding out they were having a baby they had been hard at work getting ready for it. They finally finished the baby's room with the theme black and white like the night time sky. Tin had been talking to his friends who were also succubus and had kids what raising a succubus baby was like and they said that the baby is like a normal human baby minus having the powers of a demon until the baby was around fifteen or sixteen then they would start feeding off people.

Can was taking being pregnant like a champ and had even sent a pregnancy announcement to his parents to share the good news. He was a little disappointed that they hadn't responded to him. Tin knew that the last time they saw their son was a traumatic event but he had hoped that time would have healed it but apparently not.

On top of all that Tin had been planning a surprise for Can, he was going to propose to him for after he gave birth. He had been planning this since before they found out they were having a baby but wasn't quite sure what he was going to do until a week after they announced Can's pregnancy. He had planned the whole day, Team and Type would take Can out to the backyard under the impression that it would be a me day. They would get pampered by Type's team of fashion stylist, massage therapist and hair stylist.

Tin would be at the castle's garden where he had people helping him set up the perfect romantic scene. He would take him here to show off the castle and end up at the garden where they would walk around till they got to a heart shaped arch that led into a different part of the garden. He would stop under the arch and get down on one knee and propose. It was going to be perfect, now all they need to do is wait for till he gave birth.

Speaking of the baby, they had decided to wait to find out the gender till it was born though they were talking about names. They didn't care what the gender was and only wanted a healthy baby but it was nice to be surprised. Everyone else wanted to know since there was a bet going on about the gender, some of them thought it was a girl and the others thought it was a boy. The winners got one hundred dollars and bragging rights. Tin moved down to Can's belly when he saw it move. He kissed where he saw and felt it kick him.

"Fine I'm up, are you happy now?" Can's groggy voice said making Tin chuckle.

"Good morning" Tin said moving up the bed to kiss him.

"It would have been a good morning if I woke up naturally instead of being kicked awake." Tin chuckled again.

"You need to get up anyway since you have a very busy day today, your therapy appointment is in an hour then we have a baby check up after that we have to pick up your medicine then it's poker night." Tin said.

"Do we have to do poker night?" Can whined. "Every time we have poker night it always ends with either a fist fight or a yelling match or Tharn always winning."

"I can try to suggest a different game but most of them like poker."

"I think I'm going to use the get-out-of-poker-night-cause-I'm-pregnant-and-tired card." Can said making Tin laugh.

"I'm not sure that's going to work but let's give it a shot."

"I'm sorry but the card is only for pregnant people." Can said giving him a cheeky grin. Tin just stared at him before his hand snuck his way to Can's side and began tickling him. Can laughed and tried to push him away but it was hopeless.

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