Chapter 4

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Sorry for keeping you guys waiting

Can used all the strength he had to push him away and punch him in the face. He glared at a shocked Tin, he was done having assholes put any body parts on him. He thought maybe this guy was different but this just proves he's just like those other assholes.

"How fucking dare you, that was my first kiss and it wasn't meant for you. I thought maybe you weren't like those guys who beat me and hurt me but you put your mouth on mine which proves you don't give a damn about me." He said before moving around him and throwing the door open to leave.

"Can..." Tin said hurt that he would compare him to those assholes. He used his super speed to get in front of him which might have been a mistake when Can took a step back in fear. He held up his hands to show he wouldn't touch him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you, I won't touch you again without your consent, I'm nothing like those pieces of shits." He said putting his hands down. "I want to show you that I can make you happy if you let me."

Can stared at him trying to figure out if he was being truthful, his face says he's being sincere but he couldn't trust him. He had trusted people of authority to help stop the bullies but they betrayed him, that led to him not trusting anyone not close to him.

Can saw something in Tin's eyes that made him second guess his decision. Fear. Why was he scared? Maybe it was fear of rejection, whatever it was he wasn't sure he liked that look on him. Maybe this is different, maybe he could at least trust that he won't touch him like that again.

"You won't touch me again?"

"Not without your consent"

"I don't know or trust you but I will trust that you won't do it again." Can said.

"I am looking forward to getting you to trust me and learning more about you." Tin said. "Now the doctor said you need rest so give me a minute to change the bedding."

Can followed him into the bedroom and watched him snap his fingers to make the bedding disappear and new ones appear. It was the same as the other one but it still looked very modern for what the actual house looked like on the outside. He watched as Tin pulled down the blanket on the left side and moved aside.

"Get some rest before dinner, Pick is making Thai chicken fried rice."

"Sounds delicious" Can said before slipping of his socks and shoes before crawling into bed. Tin hesitated for a second before he pulled the covers over him.

"Sweet dreams" Tin said before leaving the room. An hour and a half later, Tin woke him up telling him dinner was ready.

"Do they all know what happened to me?" Can asked as they made their way out of Tin's living space.

"Yes but they won't bring it up unless you want to talk about it." Tin said as he held his front door open for him. Can thanked him and went through before he followed Tin up the stairs and into the kitchen and all the way to the dinning room where everyone in the mansion including the children were sitting at the table. Tin pulled out Can's chair making Can give him a weird look but took the seat. Tin sat next to him and Can noticed that he tried hard not to touch him which he liked.

"Welcome to the family Can" A guy with black hair and black eyes. "I'm Kongpob but everyone call me Kong."

"Nice to meet you" he said waiing

"I'm Dean"

"I'm Pick"

"I'm Korn"

"I'm Nine"

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