Chapter 10

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Can must admit that he much preferred Tin in his black suit then in his all grey advisor robe. His advisor robe made him look ancient but the black suit made him look modern and sexy. It made Can want to skip the party and keep his boyfriend all to himself. As he fixed his bowtie he still debated doing that, he couldn't do that to Type though since it was his birthday and it was mandatory as one of his best friends to be there.

There was another reason he didn't want to go to the ball and it was the most embarrassing thing ever. He couldn't dance to save his life. Along with cooking Can can't dance either, no one knew not even his best friends. He was just going to avoid everyone while the mandatory first dance was going on. He'd hide in the bathroom if he had to but there was no way he was going to go on that dance floor and embarrass himself.

"What's wrong?" Tin asked coming up behind him in the bathroom.


"I thought we weren't going to lie to each other." Tin said. Can really didn't want to tell him but he had a point.

"I can't dance" he mumbled. He knew Tin had excellent hearing and knew what he said.

"I don't want to embarrass you or myself and so I think I should just stay home." He said before moving to untie his bowtie. Tin stopped him before turning him to face him.

"I'll teach you" he said before pulling him out of the bathroom and through their room and out to the living room. There was plenty of space by the couch to learn to dance and once they were in the correct position Tin started teaching him the basic waltz steps.
By the time they had to leave Can had learned the basics and was proud of himself for sticking with it. Tin opened a portal to the demon world before taking Can's hand.

"Stay close to me my angel" he said. Can nodded before they entered the portal and into a great hallway that had Can's mouth dropping open. He thought the mansion was luxurious but this place outshined the mansion by a landslide. His mouth was closed when Tin reached over and closed it by his chin.

Tin pulled him along towards these doors on their left where two guards bowed their head then opened them before announcing their arrival. They walked up to Type and Tharn who were sitting on royal chairs. Can had been told that once he was up there all he had to do was bow his head and say happy birthday your majesty so he did just that.

"Happy birthday Your Majesty" he said bowing his head. Tin did the same before they looked up at the kings.

"Thank you, I'm glad you guys showed up" Type said.

"We promised we would" Tin said.

"And I'm happy you kept it now enjoy yourselves, the first dance starts in a few minutes."

"We will" Can said before they bowed their heads again before leaving the line. They walked over to where the refreshments were being handed out and took two glasses of champagne.

"I still can't get over how beautiful this place is." Can said.

"Wait till you see the rest of the palace." Tin said before taking a drink of his champagne.

"Do we get to live here someday?" Can asked.

"Yeah" he said.

"That's so-"

"Your Highness, what a pleasure to see you again." A voice from their left said making Tin tense. They turned to look at the person who spoke and Can got a first look at a demon who wasn't living in the same house as him. He was handsome but not his type with his long blonde hair, red eyes, greek nose and thin lips.

"Lord Lucian" he said when Lucian bowed his head at him. Can didn't like how tense Tin was and squeezed his hand to try to get him to relax. Something about this guy was setting Tin off and he didn't like it.

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